Work Audit Of Green Life
This assignment is designed to help you become familiarized with the environmental practices at your school and/or campus. For the audit, you will each select ten (10) topics of interest in regards to environmental aspects of campus operations. The topics you may choose from are:
Recycled Office and School Supplies
Report All Leaks
Closed Doors
Recycled Toner Cartridges
Multipurpose Office Appliances
Buy Used Books
Double Sided Printing
LEED Certified
Use Less A/C
Keep Vents Clear
Student Energy Patrol
Renewable Energy
Paper Décor
LED Lighting
Classroom Energy Audit
Solid Waste Practices
Source: “Efficiency Tips at School, Switch Energy Project”. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (See link for details)
- Select ten topics listed above
- Write a paragraph (minimum) discussing how your work addresses and/or implements each topic (Ten paragraphs total-minimum). Does your work have a program implemented for a topic? A specific department for the issue? Address the issue at all? These are some of the questions you should research.
- Evaluate your work space. Do you consider your work a “green” campus? Why or why not?
- Propose some improvements for your school.
What to submit – Generate a report with the following sections and submit to the assignment dropbox:
- Introduction – Discuss the specifics of your school. How many students attend? How large is your campus? How large are the buildings? This section should familiarize the reader with your school.
- Topic Discussions – Include the description of each topic in this section.
- Evaluation – Include your evaluation in this section
- References – Include all reference material (MLA style)
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