Usability Questionnaire

Deliverable Length:  4–6 pages

For this assignment, you will be conducting the usability test utilizing the usability questionnaire that you developed in Week 3. First, you will need to select 4–5 testers. Craft a Usability Test Instruction Guide that contains all of the tourist user interface prototype screens that you created in week 2. Also, include a disclaimer that the participants’ identities and participation will not be shared with a third-party organization. Send it to the testers, via e-mail, along with the usability questionnaire. Please request that they return the questionnaire in 4–5 days so that you have time to tally the results before this assignment is due. Thank them for their participation. You may want to engage some of your classmates and your professor as potential testers as they understand the time constraint.

To tally the results, you will need to aggregate the following:

Compute the average for each of the usability questions in section 2 and present it in a results spreadsheet. Include a couple of analysis statements discussing the results. What changes will you make based on these results?

Compute the average for each of the function questions in section 3 and present them in the same results spreadsheet. Include a couple of analysis statements discussing the results. What changes will you make based on these results?

Evaluate the demographics to see if that had an impact on individual results.

Summarize the comments at the bottom of the usability questionnaire and discuss changes you will make to the prototype design based on this feedback.


The following are the project deliverables:

Update the design document title page with a new date and project name.

Update the previously completed sections based on your instructor’s feedback.

Complete the new content below and copy it under the section in the User Interface Usability Design document called Usability Test Results.

Include the following new content:

Usability Test Instruction Guide

Create instructions on how to walk through the low-fidelity prototype screens that should be copied in this guide.

Include a disclaimer that their identity and participation will not be released to anyone.

Include the deadline of 4–5 days and thank them for their participation.

Usability Test Results

Create a table with averages for each question in section 2 with an evaluation of the results.

Create a table with averages for each question in section 3 with an evaluation of the results.

Include the demographic impact analysis.

Include a comment recommendations summary.

Be sure to update your table of contents before submission

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