Types of Diversity that Should Be Incorporated in the Workplace

What are the types of diversity that should be incorporated in the workplace?



Types of Diversity that Should Be Incorporated in the Workplace




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Types of Diversity that Should Be Incorporated in the Workplace

Diversity and inclusion, which are the real grounds for creativity, must remain at the center of what we do, is a famous quote by Marco Bizzarri. Diversity is defined as the process of including all people regardless of their difference in race, age, culture and social class. According to Roberson (2019), “Diversity in the workplace refers to any compositional differences among people within a work unit” (p.2). Roberson (2019) also stated that “diversity in the workplace is an ongoing organizational phenomenon that has gained widespread attention in academic literature and the popular press, and its root cause stems predominantly from the sociological underpinning that stipulates how groups of individuals or cohorts born within the same historical and socio-cultural context, who experience the same formative experiences in their early life” (p.1). Diversity plays an essential role in the workplace because it promotes the principle of equity and fairness in the workplace. According to Li et al. (2021), “The global trend of increasing workplace age diversity has led to growing research attention to the organizational consequences of age-diverse workforces; This is because prior research has primarily focused on the statistical relationship between age diversity and organizational performance without empirically probing potential mechanisms underlying this relationship” (2). A diverse workplace gives all people the same opportunity to get employment, which promotes their economic status. “Managing a diverse workforce poses new problems to be addressed by mentors and leaders, and diversity management has rising barriers such as the nature of work and family balance: Women are most likely to face this dilemma; Women are still expected to care for young children and run the home in the current culture, and although attitudes change, girls still have the best responsibility for the home” (Roberson 2019 p.3). “To work successfully as an enterprise for a large collection of staff, human resources practitioners need to address issues of knowledge, consistency, and adapt quickly” (Roberson 2019, p.2). Diversity should be promoted and managed by leaders of the organization. According to Scarborough et al. (2019), “Workplace diversity policies are more effective when managers and workers support them, but there is little direct evidence on how people feel about these policies or why they hold certain opinions” (p.1). A ge diversity is one of the types of diversity which should be incorporated in the workplace.

Age Diversity

A ge diversity is one of the types of diversity that should be included in the workplace. According to Li et al. (2019), “the global trend of increasing workplace age diversity has led to growing research attention to the organizational consequences of age-diverse workforces, and prior research has primarily focused on the statistical relationship between age diversity and organizational performance without empirically probing potential mechanisms underlying this relationship” (p.2). Most organizations in different countries are adopting age diversity. According to Wang et al. (2020), “Like most developed economies, the United States has been and is currently experiencing a major change in age composition” (p.1).  According to Gordon (2018), “Age diversity is a key component of diversity management‚ since the current workforce offers a unique generational mix; The organizational leaders face numerous challenges in today’s dynamic workplace that require experiential, technical, and analytical skills that are only achieved with an age-diverse workforce” (p.1). Li et al. (2019) also stated that “adopting an intellectual capital perspective, we posit that age diversity affects organizational performance via human and social capital and research was done, and its results indicate that age diversity was positively associated with organizational performance through the mediation of increased human and social capital. In addition, functional diversity and age-inclusive management amplified the positive effects of age diversity on human and social capital” (p.1). “Most developed economies have been and are currently experiencing a major change in age composition for example, in the U.S., the percentage of workers aged 55 or above had risen from 13% in 2000” (Li et al., 2019, p.3). “Such a trend of an aging population is clearly reflected in increasing workplace age diversity given the co-existence of multiple generations in workplaces, scholars have paid growing attention to the impact of age diversity on organizational performance” (Li et al., 2019, p.3). The employees with different ages should be managed in such a way that fairness and inclusion is promoted. According to Cox et al. (2019), “Managing workers of different ages requires understanding the physiological, psychological, and motivational changes that accompany age, as well as how individuals of different ages interact in organizational contexts. With an increased awareness of the multidimensional nature of age, employers can consider useful adaptations to their human resource practices” (p.1). T hus, age diversity is one of the types of diversity that should be included in the workplace as it promotes fairness and inclusion.


Diversity in the workplace promotes fairness and equity in the work environment. Diversity enables employees from different cultures combine their efforts and work together to ensure the success of an organization. D iversity in the workplace also reduces workplace discrimination, which promotes the principle of fairness in the organization, where all employees feel valued and appreciated. A ge diversity is one of the types of diversity which should be incorporated in the workplace. All organizations should adopt workplace diversity to ensure that all employees feel valued and appreciated.




Cox, C., Posthuma, R., Castro, F., & Smith, E. (2019). Managing age diversity in the workplace. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management.

Gordon, P. A. (2018). Age diversity in the workplace. Diversity and inclusion in the global workplace: Aligning initiatives with strategic business goals, 31-47.

Li, Y., Gong, Y., Burmeister, A., Wang, M., Alterman, V., Alonso, A., & Robinson, S. (2021). Leveraging age diversity for organizational performance: An intellectual capital perspective. Journal of Applied Psychology, 106(1), 71.

Roberson, Q. M. (2019). Diversity in the workplace: A review, synthesis, and future research agenda. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 6, 69-88.

Sakdiyakorn, M., & Wattanacharoensil, W. (2018). Generational diversity in the workplace: A systematic review in the hospitality context. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 59(2), 135-159.

Scarborough, W. J., Lambouths III, D. L., & Holbrook, A. L. (2019). Support of workplace diversity policies: The role of race, gender, and beliefs about inequality. Social Science Research, 79, 194-210.

Wang, M., & Fang, Y. (2020). Age diversity in the workplace: Facilitating opportunities with organizational practices. Public Policy & Aging Report, 30(3), 119-123.


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