This week are going to read Sylvia Plath’s “Daddy” and then go to Youtube and view and listen to Plath herself reading her poem “Daddy.” Then, while on YouTube, listen to oliviam16 read Plath’s poem “Mirror.” After you are finished, return to the our Discussion and answer the following questions:
1) How different is the experience of reading “Daddy” as opposed to hearing Plath read it and seeing the video? Explain?
2) Does the poem, “Mirror” work with the mirror itself as the poem’s narrator? Why or why not?
3) What do you particularly like or dislike about either poem? Explain and give examples.
4) How does Plath use the imagery of Nazi Germany in her poem? Does it work? Why? How?
5) What does the narrator of “Daddy” mean when she says, “If I have killed one man, I have killed two”? Explain.
6) Does the narrator seem to love or hate her father? Explain.
7) Is the poem “Mirror” about changes? If so, what changes?
8) If you have anything, any comment, any question, anything at all further to post about either poem, please do so.