theories of personality


Please follow everything highlighted in yellow when writing the final essay paper.


Levels of Achievement:

Excellent 12.5 (25.00%) points

The unique personality is clearly expressed, with objective observations and significant self-insight. Clear use of multiple concepts from each theory.

Acceptable 10 (20.00%) points

Individual is viewed through three perspectives, though not in great depth. Psychodynamic theories employed effectively.

Minimal 8.75 (17.50%) points

Theories are addressed, but the picture of this unique person is vague. Incomplete development of case profile. Application of psychodynamic theories is vague.

Unacceptable 5 (10.00%) points

Inadequate description or explanation of the individual. Objective support is weak or missing.

Clarity of delivery10(20.00%)

Levels of Achievement:

Excellent 10 (20.00%) points

Effective application of theories, bolstered with examples from assessments and experiences. Solid references bring depth to the analysis. Addresses both sides of an issue. Insightful.

Acceptable 8 (16.00%) points

Straightforward delivery of main ideas, though may go off topic a bit or leave some concepts poorly defined. Easy to read. Clear introduction and conclusion.

Minimal 7 (14.00%) points

Reasoning is unclear, thouigh some research support is offered. Details and examples not always evident. Non-academic sources. Partial comprehension of theoretical constructs.

Unacceptable 4 (8.00%) points

Ideas not clearly stated or developed. Inaccurate use of theoretical concepts or terms. use of terms. Personal opinion used more than references. Essay lacks direction and focus.

Accuracy and APA style8.75(17.50%)

Levels of Achievement:

Excellent 12.5 (25.00%) points

Very logically organized and well documented; contains introduction; development of main idea (or ideas), and conclusion. Excellent references.

Acceptable 10 (20.00%) points

Correct use of references. Generally well written; most opinions supported with facts. Few or no spelling errors; some minor punctuation mistakes.

Minimal 8.75 (17.50%) points

Contains introduction, some development of ideas, and conclusion. Concepts are mixed from different theories.Terms are sometimes. misused

Unacceptable 5 (10.00%) points

Missing title page, abstract, or references. Main theme is not clear; theories and terms are applied incorrectly. Non-professional references or use of text only.


Levels of Achievement:

Excellent 7.5 (15.00%) points

Material flows with clear logical organization. Applies assessments as well as theories in describing the individual.

Acceptable 6 (12.00%) points

Fairly good reliance upon examples and details to illustrate and develop ideas from 3+ chapters. Clear beginning, middle and end.

Minimal 5.25 (10.50%) points

Theory not applied correctly, concepts treated somewhat randomly. Essay may lack a well-defined introduction or conclusion.

Unacceptable 3 (6.00%) points

Main theme is not clear. Poor grammar, spelling and punctuation make it hard to read.


Levels of Achievement:

Excellent 7.5 (15.00%) points

Excellent use of examples and details (varied; multiple academic sources) to explore and develop ideas and opinions. Good integration of journal observations with theoretical applications.

Acceptable 6 (12.00%) points

Documentation of supporting resources is adequate but lacks breadth or depths. Little application of Journal materials.

Minimal 5.25 (10.50%) points

Some references are cited, but incorrectly or inconsistently. Few engaging examples or themes. Little evidence of any journal work.

Unacceptable 3 (6.00%) points

Examples and arguments unrelated to psycho-analytic views. No resources other than text and weak websites.

The rubric total value of 46.25 has been overridden with a value of 47.00 out of 50.

Feedback to Learner

I made a few comments on the page so please review them. Your understanding of the application of these theories was well presented. You do need to learn more about citing and referencing styles. See my comments on reference page.

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