The Relationships between Brand Image, Brand Personality, and Brand Loyalty

Write about the relationship btn brand image, brand personality and brand loyalty.



The Relationships between Brand Image, Brand Personality, and Brand Loyalty




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The Relationships between Brand Image, Brand Personality, and Brand Loyalty

A positive business brand is essential For a business to succeed. The purpose of businesses branding is to build brands in order to enable their potential customers to understand the products and services they offer. One of the goals of branding is to ensure that the business captures the s attention of their target market’. According to Deepak et al (2019), “marketing is the combination of activities designed to produce profit through ascertaining, creating, stimulating, and satisfying the needs and wants of a selected segment of the market” (p.1). Most companies are opting to use strategic brand management in order to expand their clientele. According to Kim et al. (2019), “Strategic brand management has becom an essential topic for brand researchers, and several conceptualizations of brand value and how different branding strategies affect consumers’ behaviors have been examined” (p.2). A consumer’s opinion is influenced by a variet of factors such as the quality of a brand’s products, the impression a brand makes through marketing, and level of customer service. According to Theurer et al. (2018), “In light of an ever-increasing global talent shortage, organizations are seeking comprehensive strategies to attract and retain potential and current employees” (2). Theurer et al. (2018) also stated that a study conducted in 2014 showed that more than 37000 employers across 42 countries reported talent shortage. Branding enables organizations to create a beneficial relationship between the organizations and their customers. A good branding strategy involves brand loyalty, brand image and brand personality.

Brand Loyalty

Brand loyalty is the act of customers purchasing from the same brand and not choosing from their competitors who are also offering similar products or services. According to Mabkhot et al. (2017), “brand loyalty is a conventional marketing idea that focuses on developing a long-term consumer brand relationship” (p.1). In brand loyalty, customers continue purchasing from the same brand and also associate positive feelings toward that brand’s products and services. According to Mabkhot et al. (2017), “a deeply held commitment to rebuy or re-patronize a preferred product or service consistently in the future, despite the situational influences and marketing efforts having the potential to cause switching behavior” (p.2). The three aspects of brand loyalty are brand preference, brand recognition, and also brand insistence. One of the most essential role of marketing strategies is to develop and maintain brand loyalty due to the strong market competition, decrease in product differentiation and great unpredictability (Mabkhot et al, 2017). Brand loyalty influences how customers perceive a brand, its values and its actions and it’s an important way to retain brand loyalty in order to increase its purchase rates. According to Mabkhot et al (2017) “as getting new customers can be very expensive for companies, getting loyal customers is in their best interest.; This advocates that brand loyalty is the only basis for enduring profitable growth” (p.2). Brand loyalty shows the marketing strength and level of recognition of the brand. Brands look to increase their brand’s loyalty always want to reengage with customers who already purchased their products and services previously. Thus, brand loyalty is an important aspect in business branding as the customers purchase the company’s products and services regularly which as it increases the company’s sales.

Brand Image

In today’s business world, businesses need to create and maintain a positive brand image in order to make it stand out from others. Brand imag is how customers perceive a brand and their experience with it. According to Mabkhot et al. (2017), “brand image is described as “the perceptions and beliefs held by consumers, as reflected in the associations held in the consumer’s memory” (p.2). Creating a positiv brand image is essential in a business. According to Kim et al. (2019), the importance of brand image is that it enables the company to establish credibility within industry, it enables a company create a positive impression with its customers, it enables a company to gain recognition, and also enables it to have a professional appeal. It also enables a company to create a positiv perception about their company to their customers. Mabkhot et al. (2017) also stated that the objective of companies is to create a strong image of the brand in the minds of consumers and marketing programs can Generate a positive brand image by building a strong link between a brand and its image in the memory of the consumers which affects the brand image and the customer’s perception of the brand.  Thus, Aa positive brand image is essential for any business to succeed as it creates a positive perception of the company which then encourages customers to buy from the company.

Brand Personality

Brand personality is an essential aspect in business branding. According to Mabkhot et al. (2017), “brand personality is a set of human characteristics associated with the brand” (p.3). Mabkhot et al (2017) also stated that there are five dimensions of brand personality, which include, excitement, sophistication, competence, sincerity, and ruggedness. Brand personality enables a build a relationship between the brands and their customers. According to Saeed et al (2022) “brand personality (BP) is one of the important symbolic features that serves as a key element in brand differentiation and positioning strategies” (p.4). Brand personality is the framework that enables a company to shape the way people feel about its product and services. A company’s brand personality obtains an emotional response from their consumers in order to purchase its products and services. In this digital age, brand personalities are becoming more essential as the customers want to interact personally with the brands they buy from. Thus, brand personalit is important in business branding as it enables a brand to build a relationship between the company and its customers.


In conclusion, branding is a form of marketing, and marketers striv to differentiate their brands from their competitors. Many businesses start a company with a grand vision to deliver great products at a great and profitable price and create customer loyalty. The importance of company branding includes increased product sales, brand loyalty, brand recognition, attracting and retaining top-quality talent, and enabling a brand to stand out from their competitors. By building a business brand that describes what an organization offers, designing advertisements that promote the company’s goods and services, creating the company’s logo, and featuring it across all the social media accounts for marketing, companies can reach new customers, which will then lead to profits.




Deepak, R. K. A., & Jeyakumar, S. (2019). Marketing management. Educreation Publishing.

Kim, R. B., & Chao, Y. (2019). Effects of brand experience, brand image and brand trust on brand building process: The case of Chinese millennial generation consumers. Journal of International Studies, 12(3).

Mabkhot, H. A., & Shaari, H. (2017). The influence of brand image and brand personality on brand loyalty, mediating by brand trust: An empirical study. Jurnal pengurusan, 50, 71-82.

Saeed, M. R., Burki, U., Ali, R., Dahlstrom, R., & Zameer, H. (2022). The antecedents and consequences of brand personality: A systematic review. EuroMed Journal of Business, 17(4), 448-476.

Theurer, C. P., Tumasjan, A., Welpe, I. M., & Lievens, F. (2018). Employer branding: a brand equity‐based literature review and research agenda. International Journal of Management Reviews, 20(1), 155-179.




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