The Essentials Of Managing Conflict

UNIT 1 CHALLENGE 1 Describing Conflict

1. Select the statement that best describes the interests of the parties involved in the conflict.

o Diana wants a place for children to play; Tony wants more access to parking in the neighborhood.

o Tony and Diana both want the playground to be removed.

o Diana wants more access to parking in the neighborhood; Tony wants more space for children to play.

o Tony and Diana both want a new parking lot in the neighborhood.

2. Diana has children that need a place to play, whereas Tony and his community need convenient parking. This is an example of a(n) __________ conflict.

o interest-based

o relationship-based

o values-based

o data-based

3. Given the opposing perspectives in the community, the conflict may continue to develop and become increasingly intense. Select the statement that describes the misunderstanding stage of conflict.

o The parties are communicating about the conflict, but their differing views cause increased resentment.

o The parties actively try to harm one another.

o Something happens to make the parties aware that their needs are in conflict.

o The parties develop very negative views of one another and no longer have the ability to communicate effectively.

4. Select the true statement regarding the escalation of Tony and Diana’s conflict.

o The conflict has escalated to the tension stage because Tony and Diana are actively trying to harm one another.

o The conflict has escalated to the tension stage because Tony and Diana are no longer able to communicate with one another or see each other in a positive light.

o The conflict has escalated to the tension stage because the encounter at the store caused Tony and Diana to realize that they disagree on the neighborhood issue.

o The conflict has escalated to the tension stage because Tony and Diana have a vague feeling that something is wrong between them.

5. Select the statement that best explains Rick and Ella’s situation.

o Rick and Ella are in the pre-conflict stage because they are uncomfortable talking to one another due to the dispute between their spouses.

o Rick and Ella are in the pre-conflict stage because they are currently unaware of the problems that their relationship may cause.

o Rick and Ella are in the pre-conflict stage because neither one of them understands the reason for the conflict between Tony and Diana.

o Rick and Ella are in the pre-conflict stage because they are both aware that their needs are not being met by the other party.

6. Diana’s statement, underlined in the scenario, shows that she sees the conflict as __________.

o values-based

o interest-based

o structural

o relationship-based

7. By ensuring all parties have the same information and are interpreting it in the same way, Ava is trying to avoid a __________ conflict.

o interest-based

o values-based

o data-based

o structural

8. Tony described the escalation of the conflict as it moved to increasingly intense stages. Which of his statements describes the discomfort stage?

o “Now people are yelling at each other in the street, saying all sorts of mean things about people on the other side….”

o “At first, it was just kind of awkward— I could sense something was wrong between Diana and me.”

o “Then we had a fight and other people took sides in the last meeting.”

o “It seems like the only communication going on is yelling and fighting.”

9. Select the true statement about the post-conflict stage in Tony and Diana’s conflict.

o Tony and Diana have reached the post-conflict stage by finding a way to get both of their needs met.

o Tony and Diana have reached the post-conflict stage by finding a way to get the single most important need met.

o Tony and Diana have reached the post-conflict stage because it always comes after the crisis stage.

o Now that Tony and Diana have reached the post-conflict stage, their conflict cannot escalate again.


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