Sustainable Environmental Communities

Final Reflection

Worth up to 100 points

Submit responses that demonstrate critical thinking and support from course materials to the following Final Reflection questions by 11:59 pm on Thursday, March 19th. Include evidence from at least 7 sources from the course readings, lectures and guest speakers with parenthetical references and a reference list in APA style.

1. The first day of class (Jan 7th), I asked you to respond to the following questions as part of the first in-class activity:

· How would you define sustainability?

· What are you specific interests within sustainability?

· What do you want to sustain in your own life?

· How would you define community?

· What are some characteristics of sustainable communities?

For question one, please cut and paste your response from Jan 7th. In 3-4 paragraphs explain how your ideas have evolved since January 7th. Include references to course readings and/or lecture or guest speaker content to support your response.

If you were not present in class on Jan 7th and did not complete this activity, please respond to the questions above in 3-4 paragraphs. Include references to course readings and/or lecture or guest speaker content. (25 points)

2. Define each of the following in your own words. Describe at least 2 important considerations within each dimension that resonated with you this term.

· Environmental sustainability

· Social sustainability

· Economic sustainability (20 points)

3. Choose one UN Sustainable Development Goal. Create a systems map that incorporates the triple bottom line framework as well as targets, indicators and information about progress in 2019. Include a one to two paragraph narrative of your systems map. (30 points)

4. In class on Feb 4th, you chose several change agent skills to develop to address sustainability challenges in your community. In one to two paragraphs, describe how you practiced these skills (identify at least two) through your group project (service-learning project, grant proposal, grant poster, team communication and problem solving, etc.). Do you intend to further develop these skills moving forward? (10 points)

5. Group project reflection:

a. Write a 1-2 paragraph self-assessment evaluating your contributions to the project over the course of the term.  What challenges did you encounter and how did you work to overcome them?  What did you learn about your chosen topic and about yourself while working on this proposal?

b. Write a 1-2 paragraph reflection on your group process throughout the term. What went well? What were the challenges? How will you approach a project like this differently in the future?  Are there changes that you would recommend for this project (in general or for specific assignments) in future terms?  (20 points)

Extra credit (up to 10 points):

1) What were your biggest take-aways from the course?

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