Strategies to Overcome A Hostile Negotiating Environment

Write an essay about the strategies of overcoming a hostile environment.



Strategies to Overcome A Hostile Negotiating Environment





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Strategies to Overcome A Hostile Negotiating Environment

“Let us never negotiate out of fear, but let us never fear to negotiate” is a famous negotiating quote by John Fitzgerald Kennedy. A hostile negotiating environment is a situation in which two or more parties engage in a negotiation process with a confrontational or aggressive attitude towards each other. According to Rosenwein (2018) in hostile negotiating environment, parties may have different interests, goals, and priorities, and they may use various tactics to gain an advantage or exert power over each other. Rosenwein (2018) also stated that one of the most apparent characteristics of a hostile negotiating environment is the presence of distrust and animosity between the parties involved. In such an environment, parties are more likely to focus on their differences rather than seeking common ground; This can lead to a breakdown in communication and an inability to reach an agreement that satisfies both parties. Another characteristic of a hostile negotiating environment is the use of aggressive tactics to gain an advantage. Parties may use threats, ultimatums, or other forms of coercion to force the other party to concede to their demands; This can create an atmosphere of fear and tension, leading to an escalation of the conflict and a breakdown in the negotiation process (Rosenwein, 2018). In a hostile negotiating environment, parties may also be less willing to make concessions or compromise. This is because they may perceive any concessions as a sign of weakness and a loss of power. As a result, negotiations may become entrenched, with each party unwilling to make the first move towards reaching an agreement. A hostile negotiating environment can have significant implications for the outcome of the negotiation. In such an environment, parties may be more likely to reach an impasse or deadlock, which can lead to a breakdown in the relationship between the parties. There are strategies of overcoming a hostile negotiating environment such as building thrust, focusing on interests and using a mediator.

What are the Strategies of Overcoming A Hostile Negotiating Environment?

Building Trust

Building trust is a key strategy to overcome a hostile negotiating environment. Trust is the foundation of any productive negotiation, and without it, parties may become entrenched in their positions, making it difficult to find common ground or reach a mutually beneficial agreement. According to Kastoryano (2021) A lack of trust between parties can lead to a breakdown in communication and an escalation of the conflict. Parties may become defensive, suspicious, or hostile, making it difficult to reach a resolution. Building trust, on the other hand, can help to create a more positive negotiating environment, where parties are more willing to listen to each other, seek common ground, and work together towards a mutually beneficial agreement. Kastoryano (2021) also stated that open and honest communication is the foundation of building trust. Parties should be transparent about their interests, priorities, and concerns, and be willing to listen to the other party’s perspective. This can help to create a more collaborative and productive negotiating environment. Demonstrating empathy involves putting yourself in the other party’s shoes and understanding their perspective; This can help to create a sense of mutual understanding and respect, and help to build trust between the parties (Kastoryano, 2021). Making and keeping commitments is also a critical component of building trust. If parties make commitments to each other during the negotiation process, they should follow through on those commitments; This demonstrates a commitment to the negotiation process and creates a sense of reliability and trustworthiness (Kastoryano, 2021). Thus, building trust is a key strategy to overcome a hostile negotiating environment because trust is the foundation of any productive negotiation, and without it, parties may become entrenched in their positions, making it difficult to find common ground or reach a mutually beneficial agreement.

Focusing on interests

Focusing on interests is a powerful strategy to overcome a hostile negotiating environment. According to Zartman et al. (2019) when parties in a negotiation become entrenched in their positions and unable to make progress, shifting the focus to underlying interests can help to identify common ground and create a more productive negotiation environment. Zartman et al. (2019) also stated that when parties become entrenched in their positions, they may view negotiations as a zero-sum game where one party’s gain is the other party’s loss; This leads to an adversarial and unproductive negotiation environment. Focusing on interests, on the other hand, helps to shift the focus away from positions and towards underlying needs and concerns; This creates a more collaborative negotiation environment, where parties can work together to identify creative solutions that meet everyone’s needs. The first step in focusing on interests is to identify them. Parties should take the time to understand each other’s needs, priorities, and concerns; This can be done through open and honest communication and active listening (Zartman et al., 2019). By understanding each other’s interests, parties can begin to identify common ground and potential areas for compromise. Once interests have been identified, parties should reframe their positions as interests; This means focusing on the underlying needs and concerns that are driving their position, rather than the position itself. For example, a party that is advocating for a particular outcome may be doing so because they believe it is in their best interest (Zartman et al., 2019). By focusing on this underlying interest, parties can work together to find a solution that meets everyone’s needs. Thus, focusing on interests is a powerful strategy to overcome a hostile negotiating environment because when parties in a negotiation become entrenched in their positions and unable to make progress.

Using a Mediator

Using a mediator is a powerful strategy to overcome a hostile negotiating environment. According to Memon et al. (2018) when parties in a negotiation become entrenched in their positions and unable to make progress, a neutral third party can be brought in to facilitate communication, identify common ground, and help parties find a mutually beneficial agreement. In this essay, we will explore why using a mediator is important and how it can be employed in a hostile negotiating environment. When parties become entrenched in their positions, they may view negotiations as a zero-sum game where one party’s gain is the other party’s loss; This leads to an adversarial and unproductive negotiation environment. Bringing in a mediator, on the other hand, helps to shift the focus away from positions and towards underlying needs and concerns (Memon et al., 2018). It creates a more collaborative negotiation environment, where parties can work together to identify creative solutions that meet everyone’s needs. The first step in using a mediator is selecting the right person for the job. A mediator should be someone who is neutral, impartial, and skilled in conflict resolution. Parties should take the time to research potential mediators, and choose someone who has the right experience, training, and personality to effectively facilitate communication and help parties find common ground (Memon et al., 2018). Once a mediator has been selected, parties should take the time to build rapport with them. This means establishing a relationship of trust and respect, and creating a safe and confidential environment where parties can communicate openly and honestly (Memon et al., 2018). Thus, by building rapport with the mediator, parties can create a more positive and collaborative negotiation environment.


In conclusion, negotiating in a hostile environment can be a challenging task, but it is not impossible. By understanding the reasons behind the hostility and adopting effective strategies, negotiators can navigate through the difficult situations and reach a mutually beneficial agreement. It is crucial to stay calm and composed throughout the negotiation process and avoid being defensive or aggressive. Building rapport with the other party, focusing on common interests. Additionally, preparation and research are essential to gain a deeper understanding of the other party’s needs and interests. Overall, by adopting a collaborative and problem-solving approach, negotiators can overcome a hostile environment and achieve successful outcomes.




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