Standardized Procedures in Healthcare

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Standardized Procedures in Healthcare

Standardized procedures are referred to as policies along with protocols which are formulated by organized and planned healthcare associated systems for carrying out performance in standardized procedure related functions. An healthcare associated system that is considered to be organized ought to come up with a variety of standardized procedures prior to permitting registered healthcare practitioners such as nurses to carry out standardized procedure related operations (Buppert et al., 2017). Standardized procedures ought to be developed collaboratively by identified nurses along with associated administration in a healthcare facility where they will be used.

Standardized procedures are utilized in a variety of contexts as they have many functions in a healthcare. They are used to act as a guideline to employee processes in a healthcare system. Nonetheless, they assist nurses in producing or offering a service that is consistent as well as predictable in terms of quality and efficiency. Nonetheless, standardized procedures create a strong structure in a healthcare system (In Fulton & In Goudreau, 2014).

Standardized procedures are used by California nurses in the implementation as well as enforcement of nursing related practices. They also utilize it to enhance behavioral health. Moreover, they use them to deliver basic care associated services. There are differences between standardized procedures in the California State and Illinois. In California, nurse practitioners possess the privilege to order as well as administer and dispense or prescribe patient medications while in Illinois it is not allowed and they are needed to practice pursuant to an identified written collaborative kind of agreement with a healthcare supervising physician (Kizior & Hodgson, 2019).


Buppert, C. (2017). Nurse practitioner’s business practice and legal guide.

In Fulton, J. S., In Lyon, B. L., & In Goudreau, K. A. (2014). Foundations of clinical nurse specialist practice.

Kizior, R. J., & Hodgson, K. J. (2019). Saunders nursing drug handbook: 2019.

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