Functions of Nonverbal Communication from Bevan and Sole

Bevan and Sole

Answer the following four questions using 250 to 300 words for each response. Each question is worth 1.25 points and there is additional scoring for proper grammar and citations for a total of 7.5 points. You must use course material to support your work, with full APA citations, to earn the most points. You will score few to no points for not using course material. Be sure to include a reference list at the end. Finally, don’t forget to ensure you’ve covered ALL ELEMENTS of each question.

1) Describe one of the following functions of nonverbal communication from Bevan and Sole (Section 4.2).

· Managing your impressions and identities

· Managing and interpreting your relationships

· Regulating the flow of interactions

· Engaging in and detecting messages of emotion, influence, and deception

Then, share an example that illustrates how this function is demonstrated in a hypothetical communication exchange.

2) Using Bevan and Sole (Section 4.1), explain how biased language impacts attitudes, behaviors, and perception. Be sure to spend some time on each element and explain the significance of biased language overall.

3) Communication and Gender

Bevan and Sole (2014) contend that most academic research has found few differences in how men and women communicate.   However, most people still tend to think that they do! For this question, you will:

1) Take this sex-role inventory test –

2) Reflect on the relationship between your gender orientation and how you communicate.

3) Based on what you’ve learned in Cameron and Bevan and Sole, identify at least two “masculine” and “feminine” traits you use in your communication.

4) Finally, list some of the benefits of what Bevan and Sole call having an “androgynous” communication style. How can paying attention to gender help us become more effective communicators?

4) Watch at least the first 10 minutes of the following video titled  Digital Communication Skills: Dos and Don’ts . Based on this and Bevan and Sole (Section 4.4), what are two key points we need to be aware of in relation to computer mediated communication. Explain two specific ways you can use this advice to become a better communicator?

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