Seven Signs In John


For this assignment, you will have the opportunity to explore one methodology for making disciples that can be used across a wide range of cultures. You will read Scripture and answer questions like you would if you were preparing to meet with a group for seven consecutive weeks. Carefully follow the instructions below.

1. Begin by reading the article by Neil Cole on CMA Resources entitled, “Seven Signs in John: A Simple Process for Evangelism and Starting Churches

2. Using the Bible and the Seven Signs in John Worksheet, begin reading through each of the seven signs found in the book of John. For each of the seven signs, thoroughly answer each of the 4 questions found in the article and the worksheet. Each of the questions must be answered in a way that demonstrates you would be able to competently discuss the topic in a small group setting. At least one solid paragraph must be written for each of the first 3 questions for each of the seven signs in John.

3. The project must be submitted with clear headings and subheadings. Each of the seven signs must be listed with the appropriate Scripture passage just as it appears in the Seven Signs in John Worksheet. The subheadings under each of the signs must be the four questions. For example:

A. Changing Water to Wine – John 2:1–11 1. What does this story say about people?

2. What does this story say about Jesus?

3. What does this story say about you?

4. Who needs to hear this story?

4. A final heading titled “Reflection and Application” must be included at the end of the assignment. This part of the assignment is where you reflect on the assignment itself and develop action steps for how you might use this in the future. You may want to consider some of the following questions as you complete this section:

• What was helpful about this assignment?

• How could you see yourself using this assignment in the future?

• How does the learning that has taken place influence your own personal growth process?

• What actions or changes are you willing to make as a result of your learning?

5. The answers to your questions must be typed out in complete sentences.

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