Saudi Arabia Health Care System





In order to improve accessibility to healthcare services in all of Saudi, the country has adopted a holistic strategy that ensures that all the resources are equally and effectively distributed. Some of the services include the PHC centers, hospitals, health care professions, and specialist hospitals. There is the need for the Ministry of Health to cooperate or link up with other sectors such as transport, water, and electricity and social security companies to ensure that healthcare services are received in areas where there are the greatest needs (Health system profile, 2011).

For all the people to receive access to healthcare services there is the need for equity and proper distribution of the healthcare facilities. Some of the services that need to be looked after include the transport services, and healthcare providers. Accessibility of healthcare is also depends majorly dependent on cooperation between various related sectors. Healthcare delivery would not be adequate if certain areas fail to cooperate. The current Saudi report indicates that there is unequal distribution of healthcare providers, services, and facilities. Most of the people that have visited the healthcare facilities are reported to have experienced long waiting time while receiving time. Saudi Arabia presents huge group of disadvantaged people which include the elderly, adolescents, and people with disability. Most of these individuals are located in the rural areas, where it is difficult for them to access healthcare. Most rural areas are inaccessible making a high number of the people living in rural areas not to access healthcare (Yusuf, 2014)


The government has been able to come up with a market driven health care system. Initially the health care system was fully owned by the government, but with the recent developments, the system is now being made open. The change in the healthcare system is regarded as a response by the government to adopt a more responsive system to the Saudi consumers. The adoption of a more market-driven economy is the best way to attract international healthcare providers and investors. With liberalization of the health sector, more investors are able to invest in Middle East. Liberalization will most of the Saudi have to acquire quality health care.

Saudi Arabia is known to be moving to a more open and market-driven economy. The country is undergoing series of changes that will encourage foreign countries to do business in Saudi Arabia. A huge population is getting older warranting the need of a better healthcare system. Over the years, the government is revolutionizing its healthcare system (Almalki M. Fitzgerald & Clark, 2011).

· Almalki M. Fitzgerald G. Clark M. (2011). Health care system in Saudi Arabia: an overview. Eastern

· Mediterranean Health Journal_La Revue de Santé de la Méditerranée orientale, EMHJ • Vol. 17 (10): 784-793.

· Central Department of Statistics and Information (CDSI). 2016. Saudi Arabia [online database] (, accessed 27 May 2017).

· Yusuf, N. (2014). Private and public healthcare in Saudi Arabia: future challenges. International Journal of Business and Economic Development. 2 (1): 114.


Saudi Arabia healthcare system is undergoing a lot of transformation. The government has removed the monopoly of the healthcare system with it replacing it with an open market system. The system will enable people to receive adequate healthcare. The fact that the number of the aging population is on the rise calls for effective system that will enable to provide care to this population. The open market system has been able to attract healthcare system and improvement.

The major cost or healthcare spending goes to the employment of the medical staff. Most of the healthcare providers that were in Saudi Arabia have relocated to the Western countries in search for better employment opportunities. These conditions have led to shortage of healthcare providers in Saudi Arabia. The country also has an existing Saudi regulation on enrollment and Saudization, which increases the cost of staff. The rise in population is causing the government to look for means to change the healthcare system to meet their demands. Statistics indicate that by 2020, Saudi is expected to have over 2.5 million people being over the age of 60. With the rising number of aging population, it means that the government will have to spend more money to offer healthcare services to the aging population. The number of overweight individuals in Saudi Arabia is increasing with obesity being linked to numerous diseases. Healthcare cost in continuously increasing exacerbating these conditions (CDSI, 2016).




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