Choose a real or fictitious product or service to sell to the class (e.g., lighted tennis shoes, electric ear muffs, battery-powered nose warmers, internet dating services, robot-cleaning services, alcohol-powered cars, colored peanut butter, a planetarium laser show, a concert, a local health spa membership, or an outdoor adventure center activity).

Prepare a short 1-2 minute sales pitch speech that includes all 5 steps of Monroe’s motivated sequence: Attention, Need, Solution, Visualization, Call to Action. (Read about the motivated sequence in Chapter 16 on pages 321-322 in your text.) Use strong positive and negative motivational appeals based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (read the Persuasive Supplemental handout in Learning Activities in Session 11).


1.     Be sure each part of the motivated sequence is covered and that you use motivational appeals based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

2.     You will NOT need to complete a preparation outline for this speech, but DO prepare and submit a speaking outline  with key words to jog your memory while delivering your speech. Attach this with your video in Connect. If you complete the worksheet on the next page, you can use this as your speaking outline and submit it with your video.

3.     Practice your speech several times so you know it well and know it fits the time requirements.

4.     Your classmates will serve as your audience for this speech. (no need to gather one)

5.     You should be standing up while delivering this speech and your camera shot should be from your waist up. Make sure we can hear you well, that there is adequate lighting to see you, and that your environment is free of distractions while you record your speech.

6.     Have FUN with this assignment. Feel free to make things up and be silly. The point of the exercise if for you to become familiar with Monroe’s Motivated Sequence and  motivational appeals before you deliver your formal Persuasive speech.

7.     This assignment is worth up to 25 points.

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