Respond to the following prompts. Each answer must be one half of one page in length and utilize APA guidelines for formatting and citations.


Respond to the following prompts.  Each answer must be one half of one page in length and utilize APA guidelines for formatting and citations.


1.Human trafficking is a growing problem in America.  What are some of the tips investigators can utilize when attempting to detect these types of crimes?


2.If a rapist uses physical force, it is important to determine the amount of force because this gives insight into the offender’s motivations.  Name the four levels of physical force that may give an investigator this insight and describe what each level entails.


3.Describe the purpose and progression of legislation that created the requirement for sexual offenders to register, as well as have their location monitored and available to the public.


4.Name the numerous challenges that investigators face when investigating crimes against children.


5.If the possibility of present or continued danger to a child exists, the child must be placed into protective custody.  Name at least 5 conditions that would justify placing a child into protective custody.


6.Identify the several types of child abuse that fall under the categories of maltreatment.


7.Describe the differences between forcible rape and statutory rape.


8.The modus operandi (MO) factors surrounding the investigation of sex offenses are critically important.  List several of these factors that investigators should pay close attention to.


9.List the numerous challenges that investigators face when interviewing children who may be victims of abuse.


10.Name the types of third parties that usually report child neglect or abuse to the authorities.

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