Release of Information Scenarios


Read each of the following scenarios concerning the dissemination of patient information. After each scenario, write an explanation of how you would respond and provide supporting information to justify your decision.

1. Tom is an employed, married, 16-year-old male. He has recently been ill and saw his physician at the Rasmussen Clinic. Naturally his parents are concerned and have asked for a copy of the clinic visit.

You are the Release of Information clerk at Rasmussen Clinic. Will you provide Tom’s parents with a copy of the clinic note? Why or why not? Provide justification for your decision.

2. Becky was recently seen at Rasmussen Clinic and has been diagnosed with chlamydia.

You are the Release of Information clerk at Rasmussen Clinic with a request from the Center for Disease Control. You do not have an authorization from Becky permitting disclosure of her condition. Will you provide the clinical notes to the Center for Disease Control? Why or why not? Provide justification for your decision.

3. Mike is a patient at Rasmussen Clinic. His medical insurance is covered by ABC Insurance Company.

You are the Release of Information clerk at Rasmussen Clinic with a request from ABC Insurance Company for clinic notes to justify payment for Mike’s most recent visit. You do not have authorization from Mike. Will you provide the clinical notes to the ABC Insurance Company? Why or why not? Provide justification for your decision.

4. Elizabeth was seen at Rasmussen Clinic September 14, 2019. She signed an authorization dated September 23, 2019 for her medical information to be released to her attorney, Robert North. The authorization requests clinic notes from September 1-15, 2019 be released.

You are the Release of Information clerk at Rasmussen Clinic. Will you release the September 14, 2019 clinic notes to Robert North? Why or why not? Provide justification for your decision.

5. Richard was admitted to the Rasmussen Hospital February 23, 2019. You are the Release of Information clerk at Rasmussen Hospital and received a request for information from Richard’s attorney. The attorney is requesting the February 23 visit information and has provided you with a signed consent from Richard dated February 2, 2019.

Will you release this information? Why or why not? Provide justification for your decision.

6. Peter works at the Town Hall Restaurant as a chef. While preparing his famous entrée for customers, he accidently cut his thumb. He was taken to the local hospital Emergency Department where he received stitches, pain medication and instructions to take the following five days off from work. The visit was filed as a workers’ compensation claim.

You are the Release of Information clerk at Rasmussen Hospital and receive a request for Peter’s Emergency Department notes to be sent to his employer, the owners of the Town Hall Restaurant. Will you release this information? Why or why not? Provide justification for your decision.

7. Curt is a patient who presents with a signed authorization to release his medical information to another clinic for continuing care.

You are the Release of Information clerk at Rasmussen Clinic. Will you limit the information provided because of the minimum necessary rule? Why or why not? Provide justification for your decision.

8. Your state law indicates a coroner must provide a subpoena in order to receive patient information. HIPAA states release to a coroner is allowed without a subpoena. Your local coroner has requested clinical information on a patient.

You are the Release of Information clerk at Rasmussen Hospital. Will you follow your state laws or follow HIPAA? Provide justification for your decision.

9. Susan was patient at Rasmussen Hospital on September 5. John, Susan’s husband, has requested Susan’s inpatient clinical information and signs an authorization.

You are the Release of information clerk at Rasmussen Hospital. Will you honor John’s request and provide him with Susan’s clinical information? Why or why not? Provide justification for your decision.

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