Reflective Essay about Academic Writing


To reflect upon what makes you a good essay writer in academic writing

Format:    2-3 pages, typed and double-spaced; Times New Roman; 12 pt. font; 1 inch margins all round; original title, name and date; indented paragraphs.

Reflective Essay about Academic Writing





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Reflective Essay about Academic Writing

Academic writing is a style of writing used in higher education and scholarly inquiry. Academic writing is used in various disciplines, including the sciences, social sciences, humanities, and business. According to Silvia (2018), academic writing is a specific form of writing used to communicate complex ideas, theories, and research findings concisely and objectively in an educational setting. Silvia (2018) also stated that evidence-based is a key feature of academic writing. Students must support their arguments and claims with evidence from reputable sources, such as scholarly articles, books, and primary sources. Proper citation and referencing are critical components of academic writing, as they help to establish the credibility of the writer’s arguments and acknowledge the contributions of others in the field. Academic writing also strongly emphasizes critical thinking and analysis (Silvia, 2018). Writers must be able to evaluate and synthesize complex ideas and arguments, identify strengths and weaknesses, and formulate their position on the topic; This requires careful consideration of multiple perspectives and an ability to develop a well-structured and logical argument (Silvia, 2018). Effective academic writing also requires attention to the audience and the purpose of the writing. As a student, I have become a good writer by creating an outline for it to act as guidance on how I should write an essay, using good writing skills to properly deliver an essay argument, and supporting an argument to show that the information given is facts, and by avoiding plagiarism.

How I Write Good Academic Essays

Researching the Given Topic

As a student, I write an excellent academic essay by researching the given topic properly. According to Tingen et al. (2009), “…  research has a tremendous influence on current and future professional nursing practice, thus rendering it an essential component of the educational process.” (p.1). As a student, I research the given topic properly and know what is required. I look for research reports, guidelines or articles from credible sources such as academic journals, books, and reputable websites like google scholar. Researching the topic given makes sure I understand what is being asked, and therefore, I can write an essay that corresponds with the essay question asked by my lecturer (Tingen et al., 2009). Thus, one way I write a good essay is I conduct a  research on the topic at hand.

Creating an Outline

As a student, another way I write a good essay is by creating an outline of the essay I am required to write. An outline is a plan that directs one on the steps to follow to write a good essay and involves identifying an introduction, body and conclusion. According to Mitchell et al. (2017), an outline will help a student stay on track and ensure that the essay has a clear structure by ensuring the content is well-organized and easy to follow. Creating an outline enables me to demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and abilities I have acquired in my education, and I use it as a form of reflection when writing the essay (Mitchell et al., 2017). Thus, creating an outline enables me to write a good essay.

Using Good Writing Skills

As a student, another way I write a good essay is by using good writing skills. Writing an essay has rules to follow when it comes to grammar and also the use of punctuation marks. According to Tangpermpoon (2008), “Writing is considered the most difficult skill for language learners because they need to have a certain amount of L2 background knowledge about the rhetorical organizations, appropriate language use or specific lexicon with which they want to communicate to their readers.” (p.1) When writing an essay, one should always follow the instructions given to you by your lecturer, for example, the writing style to be used. One should also follow the rules of punctuation to avoid grammar errors and ensure effective communication of the essay’s message when delivering the message. Writing a good essay requires me to clearly and concisely express my ideas and arguments and therefore helps to develop my communication skills which is a key skill for all professionals (Tangpermpoon, 2008). Thus, using good writing skills enables me to write a good essay.

Using Evidence to Support an Argument

As a student, another way I write a good essay is through the use of evidence to support an argument. The use of evidence is the process of citing where you have found the information you have written in your essay. According to Macagno (2016), “The role of argumentation in students’ interactions and learning is increasingly becoming a central component of education.” (p.2). In essay arguments, I give evidence by showing where I got my information from and also cite my references correctly. Thus, using evidence to support an argument enables me to write a good essay.

Avoiding Plagiarizing

As a student, another way I write a good essay is by not plagiarizing. Plagiarism is the process of using borrowed content in your essay and not using the appropriate citation and reference to acknowledge the author. According to Park (2003), “frameworks for dealing with student plagiarism are based on prevention supported by robust detection and penalty systems that are transparent and applied consistently.” (p.1). This means that I never plagiarize the content and when using borrowed material, I always make sure to use citation and references where necessary to avoid penalty. Therefore, not plagiarizing my work leads to writing a good essay.


In conclusion, as a student, I always aim to write a good essay in order to get high grade. I do this by researching the given topic to get the content required in the essay. I also do it by creating an outline for it to act as guidance on how you should write your essay. I also use good writing skills in order to properly deliver my essay argument. I also use evidence to support my argument in order to show that the information given is facts. Another way I ensure that I write a good essay is by avoiding plagiarism in my work which prevents me from being penalized. By following these guidelines, I can effectively communicate my thoughts and ideas, demonstrate my knowledge and understanding of the material, and impress my instructors with my writing skills.





Collegian, (2015). Barriers and facilitators for the execution of the nursing process from nurses’ perspective.

Jefferies, D., McNally, S., Roberts, K., Wallace, A., Stunden, A., D’Souza, S., & Glew, P. (2018). The importance of academic literacy for undergraduate nursing students and its relationship to future professional clinical practice: A systematic review.

Macagno, F. (2016). Assessing and developing students’ uses of evidence. Argument relevance and structure.

Mitchell, K. M., Harrigan, T., & McMillan, D. E. (2017). Writing self‐efficacy in nursing students: The influence of a discipline‐specific writing environment.

Park, C. (2003). In other (people’s) words: Plagiarism by university students–literature and lessons.

Tangpermpoon, T. (2008). Integrated approaches to improve students writing skills for English major students.

Tangpermpoon, T. (2008). Integrated approaches to improve students writing skills for English major students. ABAC journal, 28(2).

Tingen, M. S., Burnett, A. H., Murchison, R. B., & Zhu, H. (2009). The importance of nursing research.

Tingen, M. S., Burnett, A. H., Murchison, R. B., & Zhu, H. (2009). The importance of nursing research. Journal of Nursing Education, 48(3), 167-170.






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