What are the recommended storage for various foods?
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“So long as you have food in your mouth you have solved all questions for the time being” is a famous quote by Franz Kafka. Food is a basic need and therefore, proper food storage is becoming increasingly important in todays’ society. According to Kumar et al. (2017) “Meeting the food demand of a rapidly increasing global population is emerging as a big challenge to mankind since he population is expected to grow to 9.1 billion people by the year 2050, and about 70% extra food production will be required to feed them” (p.1). In order to meet the food demand, the already available food should be stored properly in to increase their shelf life. According to Boyer et al (2018) “the shelf-life of food will depend upon the food itself, packaging, temperature, and humidity because if the food is not sterilized, it will ultimately spoil due to the growth of microorganisms’ (p.1). Proper food storage ensures that the food remain fresh for consumption and prevent the consumers from getting foodborne diseases. Proper food storage also helps preserve the nutrients of the food which in turn keep our bodies healthy and free from diseases. Food storage also reduces food wastage because people throw away spoilt food. According to Werf et al. (2019) “many households inadequately plan meals (with regard to food provisioning) and grocery shopping; This poor planning can lead to the over-purchase” (p.3). Proper food storage is essential because when people over-purchase their food and do not store the surplus foods properly, then the food becomes spoilt and wasted. “Households can inadvertently purchase packages containing too much food or from which it is difficult to extract food, ultimately leading to food waste generation and after food purchase, not knowing how and where (e.g., counter, fridge, freezer) to store food can lead to its premature spoilage and wastage” (Werf et al., 2019 p.3). Companies that produce f ood should have the necessary technology to properly store the food, for example, freezers, and they should also budget their raw materials to ensure that none is wasted. Refrigeration is the most effective way of storing fresh vegetables and meat.
There are many different ways to properly store fresh vegetables. According to Hoffmann et al. (2021) “fruit and vegetable shelf life undergoes to a fast and dynamic process because when exposed to an unfavorable postharvest condition, the food decay process is directly influenced” (p.1). People should practice proper ways to store fresh vegetables because vegetables provide our bodies with the vitamins responsible for preventing our bodies from diseases. In the fresh food compartment, the vegetables should be at 4 °C or less in order to improve food preservation (Boyer et al., (2018). The fresh vegetables should be stored at specific temperatures while being refrigerated in order to extent their shelf-life. According to Boyer et al (2018) “removing air (oxygen) from the package, storing the vegetables at 40°F refrigerated temperatures, and maintaining optimum humidity (95 to 100%) may extend shelf-life of fresh vegetables (p.3). Refrigeration is the most common way to properly store fresh vegetables. According to Hoffmann et al. (2021) “Temperature is related to the internal energy of the food system and since there is a lower level of molecular energy in fresh produce stored under refrigeration the metabolic processes and transpiration are reduced” (p.1). Refrigeration can store different types of vegetables fresh for example, broccoli, kales and carrots. According to Hoffmann et al. (2021) “Most fresh vegetables may be stored up to 5 days in the refrigerator and one should always wrap or cover fresh leafy vegetables in moisture-proof bags to retain product moisture and prevent wilting” (p.3). “Removing the tops of carrots, radishes, and beets prior to refrigerator storage will reduce loss of moisture and extend shelf-life” (Hoffmann et al., 2021 p.3). When the vegetables are exposed to moisture while being refrigerated, it can lead to the vegetables rotting or developing mold. ThE fresh vegetables should be kept in bags which are perforated to allow circulation of air and prevent them from drying. Thus, fresh vegetables should be refrigerated in order to preserve their shelf-life.
Meat is highly perishable and therefore, it should be properly stored to prevent it from spoiling. According to Boyer et al. (2019) freshly cut “meat contain spoilage bacteria on the surface that will grow, produce slime, and cause spoilage after 3 days of refrigerator storage in oxygen-permeable packaging film.” (p.5). Refrigeration and freezing are some of the ways to properly store meat. According to Coombs et al. (2017) “meat are valuable sources of high-quality protein and their preservation throughout export as anoxic vacuum-packaged product in either chilled or frozen form and, at sufficiently cold temperatures, is fundamental for successful preservation” (p.1). MEat should be stored in very air tight containers and kept at the coldest section in the fridge to keep it fresh by preventing the growth of bacteria on the meat. Boyer et al. (2019) also stated that “the optimum storage temperature of refrigerated meats, including ground beef, is 33°F to 36°F because refrigerator storage slows bacterial growth.. In the freezer, large pieces of meat may be stored from 4 to 12 months, whereas the ground meat may be stored for a period of 3 to 4 months. “Ground meat products are more susceptible to spoilage due to the manufacturing process and increased surface area of the product and the bacteria in ground meats are distributed throughout, providing rapid growth in the presence of air” (Boyer et al., 2019 p.5). Cured m eats, such as bacon, should be rewrapped after opening the package while in the refrigerator because they become rancid when exposed to air. Thus, the most effective way to store meat is by storing it in the refrigerator and one should always use the recommended temperatures and time given by the meat production company.
In conclusion, people should adapt proper food storage techniques in order to preserve the food’s nutrients and prevent food wastage due to food spoilage. Refrigeration is the most effective method to preserve fresh vegetables and meat. B y properly storing our food, we ensure that the food we consume is fresh and this enables us get the nutrients we need to keep our bodies strong and healthy.
Boyer, R. R., & McKinney, J. M. (2018). Food storage guidelines for consumers.
Coombs, C. E., Holman, B. W., Friend, M. A., & Hopkins, D. L. (2017). Long-term red meat preservation using chilled and frozen storage combinations: A review. Meat science, 125, 84-94.
Hoffmann, T. G., Ronzoni, A. F., da Silva, D. L., Bertoli, S. L., & de Souza, C. K. (2021). Impact of household refrigeration parameters on postharvest quality of fresh food produce. Journal of Food Engineering, 306, 110641.
Kumar, D., & Kalita, P. (2017). Reducing postharvest losses during storage of grain crops to strengthen food security in developing countries. Foods, 6(1), 8.