Project Essay Of Industrial Design


1. Select one tool, one structure, and one sign from the list provided.

2. For each artifact, provide a written description for: People, Place and Process. Each description should be between 100 and 200 words in length. For example, if you select the Wassily chair:

· Provide a written description of People (100-200 words): who were its designer, its users, and its maker, and what were one or two of the interconnections between or among them.

· Provide a written description of Place (100-200 words): where did the artifact originate and how did this place impact the artifact.

· Provide a written description of Process (100-200 words): how and in what ways did the processes, i.e. courses of action taken, impact on the artifact.

3. Additionally, write a short (250-400 words) narrative summary statement that contextualizes the artifact, i.e. provides a general description as a narrative that weaves People, Place and Process together.

4. A completed project will have three pages, with each artifact (tool, structure and sign) occupying one page.

5. Each page (one each for tool, structure and sign) will contain the descriptions for People, Place and Process; the narrative summary; and any necessary images (there should be at least one image for each artifact) into a single graphic layout. The graphic layout should complement the written descriptions.

6. You also need to document your reference sources. These should appear at the bottom of each of the three individual artifact pages.

7. Upload a .pdf of your document (20MB maximum). The three pages must be submitted as a single PDF file.


· Douglas DC-3

· Wassily chair

· French TGV

· Chrysler Airflow

· Dyson vacuum cleaner (pick one)

· Gesterner copyier (Loewy design)


· Walt Disney Concert Hall (Los Angeles)

· Eiffel Tower (Paris)

· Arcosanti (Scottsdale)

· Guimard Metro station (Paris)

· AEG Turbine Factory (P. Behrens design)

· Statue of Liberty (New York City)


· IBM logo

· Nike logo

· American Airlines corporate identity (original)

· Starbucks logo

· Olympic Games logo

· AEG logo (P. Behrens design)

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