Produce Text Incorporating Three Patches On Professional Understanding Nursing Essay

The aim of this assessment is to produce a patch work text incorporating three patches on professional understanding.

I am a second year Diagnostic Radiography student on a Inter professional programme working within the NHS. Radiography as a profession is very diverse and requires good communication among the inter-professional team. Diagnostic Radiography uses X-rays, Computerised Tomography (CT), Fluoroscopy, Nuclear Medicine, Ultra Sound and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to generate images of bones and organs. Within this profession there are many aspects of ionising radiation that can be covered in one department; these aspects come under different modalities, many of which are mentioned above. The primary role of the radiographer is to diagnose injury or disease within the human body with the aid of these modalities using ionising radiation.

As a professional body that is in control of Radiation exposure, there are regulations and guidelines I must adhere to. Such as the radiation protection legislation and the code of professional standards and conduct in accordance with the Society of Radiographers (SoR), who are the radiographers governing body. IRMER, The ionising radiation (medical exposure) regulations, lay down the basic measures for the, ‘health protection of individuals against the dangers of ionising radiation in relation to medical exposure.’ This applies to anyone working with radiation within a medical environment and provides safe working surrounding s for both the radiographer and the patient. I am also bound to ten statements found within the code of conduct for radiography which exemplify the,’ principles of professionalism, professional responsibility and accountability.’ These codes and regulations are not only set in place to ensure good practice but to also protect the patient and provide excellent patient care.

Professional Understanding Patch 1

It is on reflection of my profession and these conducts that I wish to evaluate my role and contribution to the inter-professional team with the Gibbs reflective framework 1988 being used as my guide for reflection (see appendix), as this cycle, ‘encourages you to think systematically about the phases of an experience or activity,'(Gibbs 1988). Whilst working within the confinements of the NHS I have unfortunately stereotyped many of my colleagues and feel I do not appreciate the true meaning of collaborative practice “An Interprofessional process for communication and decision making that enables the separate and shared knowledge and skills of care providers to synergistically influence the client/patient care provided,” (Jones & Way, 2000). As after all, ‘we all share as professionals the priority to make the care of people our first concern, treating them as individuals and respecting their dignity,’ (NMC 2008)

As I look back over my practical experience I can see that it was pure naivety mixed with focused ambition which caused me to initially stereotype my colleagues. I was so intent on progressing through my degree that my main focus was on what I was learning in relation to radiography, by means of what images I was producing and whether or not they where diagnostic. My focus was on insuring I wasn’t missing any vital pathology or fractures and on learning more of the anatomy so I could truly understand what I was looking for and why. It was this original determination that diminished the bigger picture for me, as I was unable to see the impact that as a professional I was having not just on the patient but on how the patients treatment will be managed and by who. The fact that I had little to no interaction with paediatric or adult nurses also contributed to this problem, but this was my own fault as I ignored these chances when they arose as I felt they would inhibit my main priority. So unfortunately to me my colleagues where still labelled as either subservient, “handmaidens” of the physician (Pillitteri & Ackerman, 1993) or the ‘childish, plays all the time nurse’ as there was no interest or need on my behalf to change this erroneous view. Ironically it was these views that would inhibit my professional development as in order for me to progress in the way I desired and become the best professional I could be I needed to appreciate my colleagues and work together with, ‘one or more members of the health care team who each make a unique contribution to achieving a common goal,” (CNO 2008).

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