
Summarize major historical periods of presidential doctrines that have significantly shaped U.S. foreign policy. As stated in the “U.S. Presidential Doctrine” reading, “[Presidential Doctrines] are all notable for how they have shaped U.S. influence and standing in the world (positively or negatively), and collectively have contributed to the modern global environment and the place in it the U.S. holds” (various sources, n.d.).


· Paper Preparation

· Review the Analysis Paper IMI presentation, and the rubric (below) for this assignment

· Review the Presidential Doctrine reading, and other resources as necessary

· Choose a major historical period of presidential doctrine (as presented in IMI):

· 19th and early 20th Century

· Second half of 20th Century

· Early 21st Century

· Summarize your historical period, focusing on the following issues:

· the relevant conditions of the environment contributing to that historical period

· the problem that gave rise to the presidential doctrine

· the approach characterized by the foreign policy focus of the doctrine

Paper Structure

· Use APA format (double spaced, 12-point font in Times New Roman, etc.)

· 750-1000 words

· Title Page

· Abstract (150-250 words) Required for this Assignment

· Introduction, Body and Conclusion

· APA-formatted References (minimum 2), with matching in-text citations for each reference

Rubric – Policy to Action Assignment 1 – Presidential Doctrine/Foreign Policy Analysis Paper – 160 pts total

Guiding Questions: Distinguished Proficient Basic/Below
Does the student summary incorporate relevant conditions of the environment contributing to a particular historical period/epoch?



40 pts max

Summary incorporates one period/epoch accurately. Description of relevant conditions (both current and future) of the environment includes abundant detail and/or examples.


40 – 36 pts

Summary incorporates one period/epoch accurately. Description of relevant conditions (both current and future) of the environment includes some detail and/or examples.



35 – 28 pts

Summary incorporates one period/epoch accurately. Description of relevant conditions of the environment includes limited detail and/or examples. Description of current and/or future conditions is inadequate, or omitted entirely.

27 pts and below

Does the student summary address the problem that gave rise to the presidential doctrine?






40 pts max

Summary describes problem in abundant detail. Summary also incorporates both opportunities (to be leveraged) and challenges (to be overcome) to achieving the future state, with abundant detail and/or examples.



40 – 36 pts

Summary describes problem with some detail. Summary also incorporates one or both of opportunities (to be leveraged) and/or challenges (to be overcome) to achieving the future state, with some detail and/or examples.


35 – 28 pts

Summary describes problem incompletely or not at all. Summary lacks detail and/or examples regarding opportunities (to be leveraged) and challenges (to be overcome) to achieving the future state. Summary might fail to include either opportunities or challenges.

27 pts and below

Does the student summary address the approach characterized by the foreign policy focus of the doctrine?



40 pts max

Summary addresses the approach accurately and with abundant detail and/or examples. Summary clearly explains the relationship between the identified problem and the approach.

40 – 36 pts

Summary addresses the approach accurately and with some detail and/or examples. Relationship between the identified problem and the approach is somewhat clear.


35 – 28 pts

Summary of approach is inaccurate. Summary addresses the approach with little detail and/or examples. Relationship between the identified problem and the approach is unclear.


27 pts and below

Did the paper utilize structures or organization appropriate to an analysis paper, and was it of sufficient scope and length?










20 pts max

The paper is very well organized in a manner highly appropriate to this assignment and is of excellent scope:

· Has well-developed organizing structures such as a clear thesis (if applicable), intro, body, conclusion

· The overall strategy for organizing an analysis paper is well-developed with paragraphs containing clear specifics and transitions

· Conveys information highly efficiently (fairly broad scope) w/in 750-1000 words

20 – 18 pts

The paper is organized in a manner appropriate to the assignment and fulfills the length requirement:

· Has organizing structures, e.g. thesis (if applicable), intro, body, conclusion

· A strategy for organizing an analysis paper may be only partially applied; uses organization in most paragraphs with some specifics and transitions

· Conveys information well (sufficient scope) within 750-1000 words

17 – 14 pts

At best, the paper uses a limited amount of organization appropriate for this assignment and may or may not fulfill the length requirement:

· May lack organizing structures, e.g. thesis, intro, body, conclusion

· The organizing strategy for an analysis paper is inconsistent at best; uses limited organization, somewhat inconsistent specifics and transitions

· May not adhere to the specified length requirement, scope might be too broad or narrow

13 pts and below

Did the use of mechanics, syntax, style, and APA format complement or detract from the quality of the paper?





20 pts max

Possesses proficiency in the use of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and acronyms with a limited number of minor errors. Uses voice and tense consistently and correctly overall. APA format is used consistently and correctly with only minor typographical errors. 20 – 18 pts Occasional grammar, punctuation, spelling, or acronym errors. May contain some errors of voice or tense, but these do not seriously interfere with the message. May contain some APA errors.



17 – 14 pts

Numerous errors with grammar, spelling, punctuation, and acronyms interfere with the message of the paper. Uses passive voice and first or second person. Many APA errors. Errors detract from the message of the paper.


13 pts and below

Total 160 pts max Instructor Feedback
  See paper for instructor comments and information concerning points assessed.

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