Persuasive Message


Whole Foods Market has grown into a nationwide chain by catering to consumer desires for healthier foods and environmentally sensitive farming methods.  Along with selling these products, the company makes a commitment “to be active participants in our local communities.”  Whole Foods not only donates 5 percent of after-tax profits to not-for-profit organizations but also financially supports employees who volunteer their time for community service projects.  Many Whole Foods stores donate food and household supplies to food banks in their local communities.

-You are the manager of the Whole Foods Market on Ponca de Leon Avenue in Atlanta.  You developed a program for donating surplus food to local food banks.  Because of the success of that program, top executives have asked you to help other Whole Foods stores coordinate this effort into a chainwide food donation program, “Whole Foods for Life.”  Ideally, by streamlining the process chainwide, the company would be able to increase the number of people it helps and to get more of its employees involved.

-You have a limited budget for the program, so the emphasis has to be on using resources already available to the stores and tapping into employees’ creativity to come up with locally relevant ideas.


Write a persuasive email message to all managers at Whole Foods Market, explaining the new program and requesting that they help by pooling ideas they’ve gleaned from their local experience.  Even if they don’t have food-donation programs currently in place, you want to hear ideas from them and their employees for this charitable project.  With their help, you’ll choose the best ideas to develop the new Whole Foods for Life program.

You need to ask yourself about this if you done with the letter:

1. Is the document properly formatted as a letter or email?

2. Is there an “attention getter” at the beginning of the letter that will motivate the reader to continue reading?

3.Does the writer identify the features and the benefits that the company can gain from participating?

4.Will readers understand the reasons why this is a good idea?

5.Does the writer give the contact information and/or next steps that might happen in this process?


1. It is due at 9 AM CA TIME (16 Oct 2015)

2. Please look at the attached file for an example

3. Please do your best because this letter is my final paper

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