Nurses deliver care to patients in an ever-changing environment that revolves around changes in local and governmental policies as well as technology and pharmaceutical advancement for effective practice, (Ellis, 2016). According to Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) Code of Conduct (2015), nurses assess patients’ needs and deliver timely, efficient and effective patient care based on the best available evidence. Evidence Based Practice is the integration of best research evidence with nursing practice and patient needs and values to facilitate effective care, it also promotes quality, safe and cost-effective treatment for patients, families, healthcare providers and health care system, (Brown, 2014; Craig and Smyth 2012). This assignment aims to explore an area in nursing, identifying gaps between theory and practice. Using research and discussing strength of the literature and overcoming related issues in the specified area.
The assignment will focus on barriers to cervical screening and nurses’ intervention to improve screening programmes. Cervical cancer screening can be detected early and treatment of precancerous cells and cervical cancer, (White et al., 2015) continues to exist. Cervical cancer starts from a pre-invasive stage known as cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) however, it can be detected through cervical screening, (Foran et al., 2015). Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer among women globally after breast cancer, (World Health Organization, 2016