APA format 2 pages long 3 references 1 from walden university library
Selecting an Evaluation Approach
At the close of every quarter, you and your fellow students are asked to complete an evaluation form on your courses. The questions are usually simple in format but require you to evaluate many factors that influenced your learning experience. From the quality of your Instructor to the workload and engagement of weekly assignments, you are asked to provide your honest opinion about your learning experience. As a student, you should take great care when answering these questions because they are used to adapt, refine, and improve the learning experiences offered to you and to future students. As a nurse educator, you should take great care in selecting the evaluation approach that best aligns with your curriculum and your setting. As there are many approaches to evaluation, collaborating with other educators within the parent institution or agency is also a must.
To prepare:
Note: After each team member has received feedback on his or her posting, your team should meet to discuss the evaluation model(s) that you will incorporate into your Course Project.