Nanotechnology Applications

Scientific and Technical concepts of Nanotechnology

Write a paper discussing some of the basic scientific and technical concepts of nanotechnology. Do the following in your paper:

· Discuss current or future applications of nanotechnology in fields such as medicine, engineering, space exploration, fuel cell development, air and water purification, and agriculture.

· Provide at least three examples of real-world applications in use or in development with reliable references.

Some additional information about the paper: Nanotechnology (also called nanotech) is a branch of materials science that deals with manipulating matter on the atomic scale. It is so called because this field deals with engineering on the scale of a billionth of a meter, also known as a nanometer. Nanotechnology seeks to solve a wide range of problems from the construction of atomic scale machines to changing material properties at the atomic level.

Due Tuesday, August 20th, 2013.

Assignment Grading Criteria

Maximum Points
Demonstrated an understanding of the basic scientific and technical concepts of nanotechnology. 28
Evaluated current or future applications of nanotechnology in fields such as medicine, engineering, space exploration, fuel cell development, air and water purification, and agriculture – with three real-world examples. 32
Provided at least three reliable references to support examples of current and future nanotechnology applications. 20
Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. 20
Total: 100

The below sites were recommended sites that are and will be considered Reliable for this paper (However, at least one source MUST be from a Peer-Reviewed Article and/or recognized Journal:

– Scientific American website ( will have a number of good articles linked. But, sometimes charge a fee, unless you dig further.

– The Science Daily website ( is a great place to go for reliable information.

– Discover magazine (

· Popular Science ( and Popular Mechanics ( also be very good sources.

· Various “dot gov” sites are considered reliable (some more so than others).

· NIH or the CDC are great places to go for information regarding medical issues.

· For peer reviewed and pre-print  material, you may find that Google Scholar ( may be useful.

In addition, the NY Times will be mostly acceptable.

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