Mythology Cases

The Aeneid and Children of the Sun

Throughout time, myths have been created and maintained for varying reasons. Some myths may be created primarily for social or political purposes, such as The Aeneid and Children of the Sun. Some myths are created to explain man’s actions and responsibilities during natural events, as in Demeter and Persephone. Still others explore the strengths or weaknesses of the human spirit, such as Esfandyar and Caught by a Hair-String.


In this project, you will explore the perspectives that myths bring to human life, and how human perspectives affect the way we see myths. Using one of two approaches – a single myth or a single theoretical viewpoint – you will explore the facets of myth making and myth perpetuation that we discovered in this course.

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View the “Guide to Writing the Final Project” below for precise instructions for writing the essay.
Select one of the following two approaches below for your essay:

Single myth: In this project, you will take one of the myths that we have covered in the course, and examine the myth using 2-4 theoretical approaches to mythology that were covered in Module 1 (feminist, anthropological, Marxist, psychological, archeological). That is, you will be examining one myth from several perspectives.


Single theoretical viewpoint: In this project, you will choose one theoretical approach and show how the myths support that approach. You will also show the consistency that the perspective of this theoretical approach brings to the interpretation of the myths across time and space.

In the essay:

Evaluate how society makes use of myth making. Consider why myths were propagated from generation to generation, and why they are still potent in the present.

You may explore how myths develop alongside a culture – influenced by the changing society, and in turn how the myths alter society OR

You may examine why myths that seem to explain the creation of humanity, the structure of a particular society, the universe. Examine how this may be happening now – what paradigms / themes/ are resurrected in modern times?

Identify and share to what extent mythology is involved in life today; for instance, what motifs from ancient myth are used, what ideals and values from the myths are reflected in the modern work.

Convey what you have learned and the connections you have made. You must support your own connections with expert opinions (a minimum of 4 outside references). Be sure to give credit to the outside sources even if you do not quote directly!

Use proper formatting, either APA or MLA for citations.
Formatting: MLA or APA
Length: 5-6 pages

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