James Brown’s Cultural Pride and Activist Stance

James Brown became known as “Soul Brother #1” due to his cultural pride and activist stance. How monumental was his performance the night after the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.?

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James Brown’s Cultural Pride and Activist Stance





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James Brown’s Cultural Pride and Activist Stance

James Brown is best known as the Godfather of soul music, for he was a creative singer, wrote amazing music, and was a good band leader. According to Cone (2018), James Brown was not just a musician and performer but also a cultural icon and activist. He used his music to promote black culture and pride, and he used his platform to advocate for civil rights and social justice. Cone (2018) also states that because he was born in South Carolina in 1933, Brown grew up in poverty and experienced racism and discrimination firsthand. Despite these challenges, he found solace and inspiration in music, particularly the gospel and blues music he heard in his local church. Brown’s early career was marked by both commercial success and political activism. In the 1960s, he became a crucial figure in the civil rights movement, using his music to promote racial equality and challenge discrimination. He strongly supported the Black Power movement, and his music was often seen as a voice for the black community (Cone, 2018). One of Brown’s most famous songs, “Say It Loud – I’m Black, and I’m Proud,” is a powerful anthem of black pride and self-affirmation. The song was released in 1968, at the height of the civil rights movement, and it was seen as a bold statement of black identity and empowerment (Cone, 2018). In 1968, he performed at a benefit concert for the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, an organization founded by Martin Luther King Jr. He also met with political leaders, including President Lyndon B. Johnson, to discuss issues affecting the black community (Cone, 2018). Brown’s lyrics celebrate black culture and history, and he urges his listeners to embrace their heritage and stand up for their rights. James Brown was known for his cultural pride and activist stance. His performance the night after the assassination of Martin Luther was monumental because it provided a sense of healing and unity, gave a voice to the civil rights movement, and acted as a call to action.

How Monumental James Brown’s Performance the Night after the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr?

The Performance Provided a Sense of Healing and Unity

James Brown’s Performance, the Night after Martin Luther King Jr’s Assassination, was monumental because it provided a sense of healing and unity. According to Pepper (2018), the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. on April 4, 1968, sent shockwaves throughout the United States, and the country was thrown into a state of chaos. Riots erupted in cities across the nation, and the divisions between black and white Americans seemed to be widening. During this time of great unrest, James Brown took the stage for a concert in Boston that would become one of the most legendary performances of his career (Pepper, 2018). From the moment Brown stepped on stage, he knew he was responsible for using his music to help heal the wounds inflicted on the nation. It was clear from the outset that Brown was not just there to put on a show but to connect with his audience on a deeper level. As Brown launched into his set, it became clear that his music’s healing power was already affecting the crowd (Pepper, 2018). People who had been angry and upset just hours earlier were now dancing and singing along with him, their spirits lifted by the infectious energy of his performance. It was a powerful reminder of the ability of music to bring people together, regardless of their race or background. Thus, in the aftermath of King’s assassination, Brown’s performance provided a sense of healing and unity that was sorely needed in a deeply divided country.


The Performance Gave Voice to the Civil Rights Movement

Brown’s concert in Boston that night benefited the city’s African American community as it gave a voice to the civil rights movement. According to Bickford et al. (2018), when news of the assassination broke, there were concerns that the concert would be canceled, as many feared that the city would erupt into violence. But Brown was determined to go ahead with the show, and he used it as a platform to address the tragedy that had just occurred. Bickford et al. (2018) also stated that at the concert’s start, Brown took the stage and delivered an emotional speech to the crowd. He spoke about King’s life and legacy and implored the audience to come together in the face of tragedy. He then launched into a series of powerful performances, including his hit song “Say It Loud – I’m Black, and I’m Proud.” Throughout the concert, Brown’s energy and passion galvanized the audience, and his words and music gave voice to the grief and anger many people were feeling after King’s death (Bickford et al., 2018). The impact of Brown’s performance was immediate and profound. The concert was broadcast on television, and 20 million people across the country watched it. Brown’s message of unity and empowerment resonated with viewers, and it helped to galvanize the Civil Rights Movement in the following weeks and months. His music became a rallying cry for activists, and his words and actions inspired a new generation of leaders to continue the fight for justice and equality (Bickford et al., 2018). Thus, Brown’s concert in Boston that night benefited the city’s African American community as it gave a voice to the civil rights movement.


The Performance was a Call to Action

On the day after King’s assassination, Brown performed at the Boston Garden, and the performance was monumental as it acted as a call to action. According to Brown (2019), the concert was in danger of being canceled due to the riots and protests that had erupted after King’s death. However, Brown insisted on going ahead with the show, believing that he was responsible for addressing the tragedy and inspiring his audience to act. Brown (2019) also stated that when Brown took the stage, he began with a heartfelt tribute to King. He then launched into a series of electrifying performances, including “I Got You (I Feel Good)” and “Cold Sweat.” However, it was his rendition of “Try Me” that captured the audience’s attention. Brown delivered the song with a raw intensity that conveyed the pain and anger he and his fellow African Americans felt. Brown (2019) also stated that after the song, Brown paused and spoke directly to the audience. He urged them to stay calm and avoid violence, saying, “I don’t want nobody to be hurt. We’ve got to go on with the show” (P.1). He then launched into an impromptu performance of “Please, Please, Please,” during which he collapsed to his knees, seemingly overwhelmed by emotion. His band members rushed to his side, but Brown pushed them away, refusing their help. The performance was a defining moment for Brown and the civil rights movement. It showed that music could be a powerful tool for social change and that artists were responsible for using their platforms to speak out against injustice. Brown’s call to action resonated with his audience and people nationwide. In the days and weeks that followed, there were marches and protests in more than 100 cities, and many of them were peaceful, thanks in part to Brown’s influence (Brown, 2019). Thus, Brown performance at the Boston Garden acted as a call to action.


In conclusion, James Brown was more than just a musician; he was a cultural icon and activist who used his platform to promote black pride and challenge discrimination. The effect of Brown’s words and music on the audience was profound. People divided by race and politics just hours earlier were now united in their love of music and desired to create a better world. Brown’s concert provided a sense of healing and unity that was sorely needed in a deeply divided country. While his death left a void, it also inspired a new wave of activism and commitment to the cause of racial justice. James Brown’s performance in Boston just one day after King’s death gave voice to this new movement and helped to inspire a new generation of leaders and activists. James Brown’s performance in the aftermath of King’s assassination was a call to action that galvanized the African American community and inspired people of all races to work for social and political change. Brown used his platform to address the tragedy and to urge his audience to channel their grief and anger into peaceful protest. His words and music helped to calm tensions and prevent further violence, and his legacy continues to inspire musicians and activists today.



Bickford, J. H., & Byas, T. (2019). Martin Luther King’s Historical Representation within Primary, Intermediate, and Middle-Level Books. The History Teacher, 52(4), 549-593.

Brown, J. Music database Musician James Brown. www.jamesbrown.com

Cone, J. (2018). Black theology and black power. Orbis Books.

Pepper, W. F. (2018). An act of state: The execution of Martin Luther King. Verso Books.


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