Mechanisms Of Accountability


Note: In Week 5, the Application Assignment is to be completed before the Discussion question.

Congress, the president, and the courts have developed mechanisms of accountability used in the oversight of rulemaking. Congress and the president have a vested interest in the oversight of rulemaking because they want to ensure that statutes are carried out the way they intended. Courts, on the other hand, engage in the oversight in rulemaking to ensure that the rules the agency creates and enforces are constitutional. Given that each branch performs oversight differently by using different mechanisms of accountability, the question of which branch, and more specifically, which mechanism, is most effective arises. In this assignment, you become familiar with the mechanisms of accountability and reflect on which are most effective in the oversight of rulemaking.

To prepare for this assignment:

Review Chapter 6 in Rulemaking: How Government Agencies Write Law and Make Policy. Pay attention to the mechanisms of accountability used by the three branches of government in the oversight of rulemaking.

Select one mechanism used by each branch of the government in the oversight of rulemaking.

Consider the similarities and differences between and among the mechanisms you selected.

Select two mechanisms from the readings that you think are most effective in the oversight of rulemaking and consider why.

The assignment (1–2 pages):

Compare (similarities and differences) the mechanisms of accountability you selected.

Briefly describe the two mechanisms you think are most effective in the oversight of rulemaking and explain why. Be specific.

Explain at least one insight you had or conclusion you drew about the mechanisms of accountability as a result of completing this assignment.

Support your Application Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are asked to provide a reference list only for those resources not included in the Learning Resources for this course.

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