Max Labs 1a And 1b

Tips: Get more

The big idea is the “why” & “how” of tech supporting/enabling business. If you zoom thru the steps to just get to the end, you’ll miss out! The steps are just the “what.” The “how” & “why” are in the story. You have to read & think…

Learning Objectives: What to “get”

ü What is data, really? What are databases, at their core? What good are they, in real life & in business? ü What’s the big idea of “the cloud?” Why use it for apps & data we work with? ü Get how the Silicon Valley startup culture works & drives the world’s innovation. ü See for yourself how tools, like Salesforce, let you do a lot, without a lot of effort/skill/knowledge. ü This stuff’s not nerdy. It’s cool, it’s tech-boosted business and women belong.

Today, you’ll pick up where you left off with the story of Max, the SJSU student blogger. Just follow along as she describes what she

did in her new job with a startup company.

Prep: What do you need to start?

ü Be sure you’ve read the Pre-lab backstory so you know what’s going on. ü Be sure you know how to do a screen capture so you can submit your work for credit. (For screencapping

instructions, see for Macs or for Windows.) ü When you get to the point in the instructions where you create your Salesforce account, be certain that you:

1. follow the link given to get the free Developer Edition (DE) account (DO NOT GO TO THE SALESFORCE WEBSITE AND GET THE 30-DAY FREE TRIAL!!!),

2. do NOT use an AOL or Yahoo email account to sign up—get a free Gmail account just for the labs instead, 3. be sure to use your real name–that’s what will show up on the screen captures you submit for credit!

ü Note: you can click on any image in the lab to see a larger version (easier to read).

Resources: Get some help

Stuck? Get help & find answers at The Max Labs Project Community here:

“I did it! Check this OUT!”

Deliverables: Get your points

This time there are two(2) points marked for you to stop and take a screen capture to submit for credit. Match the numbers below with the annotations in the blog:

When you reach this point (after Step 80), you should be on a pitch record details screen showing all the fake field values you entered for one Pitch record. If not, click your Pitches tab and then click on the Pitch ID to open that record’s details. Submit a screen capture for credit.

At this point (after Step 100), assuming that you correctly updated your Pitch layouts, you should see a table of at least four (4) rows of fake data (2 VCs + 2 Angels) that you made up in five (5) columns: Pitch ID, Business Name, Type, Investment Amount and Equity Percentage. Do a screen capture and submit for credit.

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