Math Questioning Strategies

Part 1: Questioning Strategies

Math standard (in the area of algebra): algebraic thinking


Grade level: 5

Learning objectives: to know and understand algebraic relationships and models


Five probing questions that can be used as pre-assessment and formative assessment questions:


1.How to use the order of operations in numeric expressions with two or more operations

2. How do we draw the graph linear equations

3.What methods do we use to solve algebraic expressions

4.What is equality and inequality


5.How do we write and solve algebraic equations





Part 2: Reflection


Reflection for a class lesson is a way of writing how the lesson was understood by the students. It may include some of the main topics that were learned in that class and the subtopics. However, it may also contain some of the challenges that were seen during the class session. In this reflection, we will focus on teaching algebraic thinking topics for Grade 5. The main objective of the lesson that the pupils need to learn is ensuring that they understand and know the algebraic relationships and models.

During the class, to ensure that the pupils of the 5th grade understood the Math standard of algebraic thinking, first and foremost, I ensured that they know how to use the order of operations in the numeric expressions with two or more operations. I ensured that they understand all the basic math operations that are addition, subtraction, division, multiplication and lastly to remove the brackets in an equation. The pupils should be able to simplify an expression having all the basic operations in one sum. Secondly, the pupils should be able to know how to represent the algebraic equations on a graph (Blanton et al, 2019). All the pupils should be provided with a graph book so that every one of them learns how to draw the graph on his/her own. I ensured that I show them one or two examples of how to go about this and later give them a task to try on their own. I ensured that I see the work of each pupil by walking from one person to the other and guiding them appropriately.

The third subtopic that I handled is the methods used in solving algebraic equations. I ensured that the pupils were able to learn how to use the inverse operation to solve the algebraic equations. I asked them questions if they still remember how to use the addition, subtraction, division and multiplication methods of solving the equations. In this sub-topic, all the pupils knew how to solve the algebraic equations. Fourthly, they learned about the quality and inequality operations. Here, I used two operations and asked them if the equations were equal or not after simplification. Most of them were ready to answer my question and this tells me that they listened and enjoyed the class. Lastly, we learned how to write the general algebraic equation in the real world examples and how to solve them. That is the real-world application of the algebraic equation. I ensured that every pupil gives me an example and they solve them. In conclusion, all the pupils enjoyed the lesson since they did well in the class assessment work during the lesson. The probing question help in bringing the attention of the class since it was a question and answer based lesson (Kieran, 2018). The main objective was achieved since most of the pupils were able to write the linear equations, solve them and could come up with real-life examples of the algebraic linear equations.

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