Leadership Course Essay & Research Paper

PAD 3113 Executive Leadership Module One Essay Assignment all on 1 word doc

1. After reading Chapter One answer the following questions in 40 words each. Place the essay questions along with your answers in the submission box as a Word Doc Attachment by SUNDAY DAY 7 AT 11:30AM.

a. ’Leadership is more concerned with people than is management.’  Do you agree?  Discuss”

b. “What personal capacities should a person develop to be a good leader versus those developed to be a good manager?”

c. “Why is leadership considered both an art and a science?”

2. After reading Chapter Two answer the following questions in 40 words each. Place the essay questions along with your answers in the submission box as a Word Doc Attachment by SUNDAY DAY 7 AT 11:30AM.

a. “What is the difference between trait theories and behavioral theories of leadership?”

b. “Would you feel most comfortable using a ‘consideration’ or an ‘initiating-structure’ leadership style?  Discuss the reasons for your answer.”

c. “Pick three traits from the list in Exhibit 2.1 that you think would be most valuable for a leader in an operational role. Pick three that you think would be most valuable for a leader in a collaborative role. Explain your choices in 120 words.”

Part 2 a research paper APA Format Module One Research Assignment

Research Assignment: Using the article I have provided. For this article prepare a summary paper as follows:

Page One Article Title: List the article publication information using APA style for reference list citations, This is the citation for the article you will use:

LEBREDO, N. (2018). A Leadership Growth Journey. Strategic Finance5, 23–24.

Page Two Summary (100 words): List the article’s thesis (or hypotheses), methodology and evidence, its logic or argument, and summarizes its conclusions.

Page Three Evaluation (100 words): Using the article you summarized for Week Two, critique the article’s thesis (or hypotheses), methodology, evidence, logic, and conclusions from your perspective on the problem.  Be constructively critical, suggesting how the research could be better or more useful.  Be sure to cite other scholarly articles, by way of comparison and contrast, in support of your critique

PAD 3113 Executive Leadership

Module One Essay Assignment

all on 1 word doc

1. After reading Chapter One answer the following questions in 40 words each. Place the essay questions

along with your answers in the submission box as a Word Doc

a. ’Leadership is more concerned with people than is management.’

Do you agree?


b. “What personal capacities should a person develop to be a good leader versus those developed to be a good


c. “Why is leadership considered both an art and a science?”

2. After reading Chapter Two answer the following questions in 40 words each. Place the essay questions

along with your answers in the submission box as a Word Doc

a. “What is the difference between trait theories and behavioral theories of leadership?”

b. “Would you feel most comfortable using a ‘consideration’ or an ‘initiating


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