Introduction to Humanities

Multiple Choice Questions

1) Which painting contains a disguised symbol of a ‘memento mori’, a reminder that no one escapes death?

a. Bosch’s Garden of Earthly Delights

b. Pontormo’s Deposition

c. Grünewald’s The Crucifixion

d. Holbein’s The Ambassadors


2) What statement best describes the effect of Martin Luther’s teachings?

a. emphasized the role of good works in achieving salvation

b. strengthened the Catholic Church’s influence in northern Europe

c. brought about a new respect for the arts in Christianity

d. gave the individual believer more responsibility than the priest


3) What northern Renaissance humanist writer expressed his philosophical

skepticism in the form of personal essays?

a. Michel de Montaigne

b. Desiderius Erasmus

c. William Shakespeare

d. Thomas More


4) What Northern Renaissance painting is part of an altarpiece–a folding wood-

en cabinet decorated with paintings?

a. Dürer’s Self-Portrait

b. Grünewald’s Crucifixion

c. El Greco’s Burial of Count Orgaz

d. Bosch’s Garden of Earthly Delights


5) Which of these was important in spreading Martin Luther’s religious ideas?

a. the printing press

b. Morley’s Triumphes of Oriana

c. Shakespeare’s Hamlet

d. the telescope


6) Which Renaissance work would most likely have been encountered at the

court of Elizabeth I?

a. a performance of Palestrina’s Mass of Pope Marcellus

b. a theater set designed by Palladio

c. El Greco painting the monarch’s portrait

d. performance of a motet by William Byrd


7) Which Renaissance work is best categorized as mannerist–the conscious

manipulation and distortion of high Renaissance techniques?

a. Dürer’s Self-Portrait

b. Bruegel’s The Hunters’ Return

c. Parmigianino’s Madonna With the Long Neck

d. Palladio’s Villa Rotonda


8) Which statement best describes the music of Palestrina?

a. attempted to involve church congregations in musical worship

b. directly appealed to emotions of worshippers

c. pioneered the use of multiple choirs

d. rejected intermingling of sacred and secular music


9) The most popular Italian export of the Renaissance was:

a. opera

b. commedia erudita

c. commedia grave

d. commedia dell’arte


10) What statement best describes the function of the Taj Mahal, in Agra, India?

a. a shrine marking the site of an incident in the life of Muhammad

b. a tomb of a Mughal emperor’s wife

c. mosque dedicated to the Mughal faithful

d. a temple where worshippers honor the Great Buddha


11) In what regard is Velazquez’s masterpiece The Maids of Honor (Las

Meniñas), a scene in the artist’s royal studio, most remarkable?

a. the novel treatment of a religious theme

b. a brilliant use of red, blue, and gold

c. its mood of gaiety and self-indulgence

d. its complex arrangement of space


12) Which of these works would most likely be performed at the court of Louis

XIV at Versailles?

a. a cantata by J. S. Bach

b. a concerto grosso by Vivaldi

c. a ballet de cour by Lully

d. an oratorio by Handel


13) What would the Academy, as established under the rule of Louis XIV, most

likely do?

a. ensure a religious content in pictures

b. impose absolutist neoclassical rules on artists

c. oversee the Dutch market in paintings

d. encourage innovative styles of painting


14) Which of these figures is associated with the heliocentric theory of the uni-

verse, an important advance in the Scientific Revolution?

a. Nicolaus Copernicus

b. John Locke

c. René Descartes

d. Antonio Vivaldi


15) What feature or description characterizes Christopher Wren’s design for St.

Paul’s Cathedral?

a. use of an encircling monumental colonnade

b. compromise between native English and continental elements

c. the strong influence of absolutist France

d. elaborate Italian baroque decoration


16) Which two artists are most closely associated with the rococo style in art?

a. Jacques Louis David and Thomas Jefferson

b. Peter Paul Rubens and Nicolas Poussin

c. Joseph Haydn and Wolfgang Mozart

d. J.-H. Fragonard and Antoine Watteau


17) In what phenomenon did the Parisian Madame Geoffrin play an important


a. recovering the treasures of Pompeii and Herculaneum

b. ending the aristocracy’s dominance in French art

c. the development of ballet as an independent art form

d. the success of the salon as an intellectual and social occasion


18) What term describes the idea, popularized by J.-J. Rousseau, that human society originated in an agreement among naturally free individuals to establish the rule of law and civil society?

a. sensibilité

b. the divine covenant

c. neoclassicism

d. the social contract


19) What was the most notable achievement of Marie-Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun?

a. paint flattering portraits of Europe’s nobility

b. compose popular operas performed in Vienna and Prague

c. reform the practice of ballet dance

d. establish a famous salon in rococo Paris


20) Which of these works might have been most influenced by Palladio’s book of

classical designs, an important document in eighteenth-century neoclassicism?

a. Jefferson’s Monticello

b. Haydn’s London symphonies

c. Noverre’s ballet d’action

d. Boffrand’s Hôtel de Soubise

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