Introduction to Fire Prevention

Preparation, Organization, and Administration of Fire Prevention Personnel for Prevention Duties and Instilling Positive Fire Reaction

Learning Objectives Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:

1. Analyze the role of fire prevention and the fire service administration within municipal government.

2. Summarize the functions of fire prevention within the fire service. 3. Compare and contest the relationship of fire prevention and the fire

service to other municipal agencies. 4. Analyze the sources of conflict within the fire department and describe

the effect the conflict has on the fire service in general.

5. Summarize the history of fire prevention within the fire service.

6. Assess the need to instill positive fire reaction and the effect this has on the fire service.

7. Review fire reporting procedures and how they will affect the fire service.

8. Compare publicity and media programs and how they affect the fire prevention effort of the fire service.

9. Explain how volunteer fire departments are able to be successful and the effect volunteers have on the fire service.

Unit Summary The primary motivation behind the organization of most fire departments has been that of suppression. Many people believe that the fire department’s obligations have been met if the department responds to and brings under control all fires to which it is called, and fire prevention in the past has not been generally thought of as being a part of the basic responsibility of many fire departments. The trend has been toward recognition of the rightful place of fire prevention as a dual function of fire protection.

Major fire departments are beginning to include fire prevention training as part of their basic training programs, and more attention is being paid to the subject of fire prevention. An important development has been the establishment of a National Professional Qualifications System for state certification of fire service personnel at several levels of professional competence in the classifications of firefighter, fire inspector, fire investigator, public fire and safety educator, fire service instructor, and fire service officer. An integral part of fire prevention planning and education is instilling awareness to the public on how to act and what to do in the event of a fire, at home or in public places. Any assessment of human reactions anticipated in a fire emergency must take into account individuals of all ages, health classifications, physiques, occupations, and temperaments.

Fire severity, location, the manner in which it started, and the presence of individuals in the fire area must be considered.

Reading Assignment Chapter 6: Preparing Fire Service Personnel for Fire Prevention Duties Chapter 7: Organization & Administration of Municipal Fire Prevention Units Chapter 8: Instilling Positive Fire Reaction

Key Terms Chapter 6: 1. Howard D. Tipton 2. Master Plan 3. National Board on Fire

Service Professional Qualifications

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