Individual Patient Care in Dementia

Nurses can identify the individual needs of the patient by following the nursing process.  The nursing process is a series of stages intended for nurses to demonstrate excellent care. It consists of five phases: Assessing, diagnosing, planning, implementing and evaluating.  This process is client centred. These stages mean that nurses should individualise what is needed for one patient.  A patient needs, and problems is identified through these steps. The Assessment phase is the first step in which it allows nurses to identify what the patient’s needs are. The nurse collects information from the patient by asking them questions and running physical examinations. They dissect the information that is gathered in this stage in which it is further analysed which requires in dept thinking. The Diagnosing Phase is the next phase in which the nurses make an overall diagnosis about the information that was collected in the assessment phase (Gardner, 2003). It is stated that patients tackle a medical diagnosis with what mental health professionals name an anticipatory anxiety. They are nervous and scared as to what they are told and how it may change their day to day life for them and their close ones (McClain and Buchman, 2011).  The diagnosis of dementia entails of examination, cognitive testing and assessment. Nurses informing patients that their memory and cognitive function is beginning to change can be challenging and difficult to hear hence it is crucial that nurses should uphold their dignity and inform them of the treatment that will be applied and to give them the help and support they need. (Prince and Martin, 2016). The planning phase lets the nurses create a plan of action in which ongoing treatment will be discussed. This phase allows the nurses to address patient’s needs. The implementing phase is when nurses carry out the plan of action. For dementia patients their symptoms tend to go worse. It is vital that nurses demonstrate great care in which they can them support with daily activities e.g. washing and dressing them. They should also monitor the patient and focus on the improvements made by the patients. It is vital that the nurses care, monitor and support that is given to the patients is continuous. The care that is received by the patients with dementia is much lower as to those patients without dementia hence it is fundamental that the nurses ensure that care is individualised to the patients’ needs and wants.  For the last evaluation phase, it is crucial that nurses complete an evaluation to see if the treatment that was carried out is working and if any changes happen. If the treatment isn’t working nurses can support the client, analyse and understand as to why it didn’t work (Gardner, 2003).

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