Human Growth And Development Discussion

you have to write the discussion and reply to the student post.

Adolescence Discussion (Discussion 4)

Discuss adolescent idealism, criticism, personal fable and imaginary audience. Give examples of each from your own adolescence. In addition, please discuss the emerging adulthood transition. What is/was your transition like? Can adolescent idealism, criticism, personal fable and imaginary audience cognitive distortions continue to affect people’s judgments and decision-making during the emerging adults period? Do the above cognitive distortions and immature behavior continue during early adulthood (20- 29 years)? Support your discussion with research from your readings in the book or other research from reputable sources.

Remember the criteria for the discussions:

  • 100-200 word original post
  • 50-100 word reply post
  • Covers every detail in the discussion description
  • Submitted on time
Grading Criteria  Yes No
1. Good post; covered all the required information?
2. Post was the required length?
3. Replied to one or more students?
4. Work was college-level writing, spell-checked, grammatically correct, and student used proper punctuation and capitalization?



Reply to this student post

Adolescence is a critical life stage for every human being, it is when we start to find our self, what we really like and who we are; also the stage when we are most concern of what people think of us. If you grow old with that set of mind that people are always watching and judging you then you are never going to truly become your own self. You need to grow of that fear and realized that everyone, even the popular kids that seems to have everything handled, are going through the same.


When I was a teenager my mom would spoil me and give me everything I asked for. At that moment I would think she was the best but now that I’m older it has become time to realize that life is not as easy as it seems and you have to work hard for the things that you really want. Needless to say, I’m thankful for my mom and everything she has done for me, but I’ve learned that the day I got my own kids I will make them work for what they want since day one; this way they will learn to appreciate things more.


(Feldman, R. S. (2015).   Discovering the life span   (3rd ed.). Boston: Pearson.)

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