HIV Prevention Among Urbanized Populations

Research Paper Instructions

The goal of this project is to evaluate a current environmental health issue, discuss the control and/or mitigation measures currently employed, and recommend methods to improve public health policy or practice for that issue. This required research paper project is a 15-page (approximately 4,500 words) document that must be double-spaced. Each student must choose a different topic. Therefore, before you submit your topic, look over your classmates’ submissions to be sure it has not been selected. It is first-come, first-served on topic selection.

Your paper must be well documented using current AMA format. You are required to use at least 10 professional, peer-reviewed, scholarly sources in the reference page of your paper. Avoid using newspapers, lay magazines, and fact sheets. Articles from non-professional sources will not earn credit. A Medline search is a great way to locate acceptable information. The American Journal of Public Health, New England Journal of Medicine, The American Journal of Preventive Medicine, and similar publications are excellent sources. Start early to allow adequate time to find appropriate materials. You must support your opinions with data from the scientific literature. Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in automatic failure of the course.

The paper must include the following:

1. Title page with title of paper, your name/ID, date, and course/section (HLTH 505.xx). This page does not count toward the 15-page length requirement.

2. Abstract – Provide a short summary of the content of the paper (less than 100 words).

3. Introduction – Describe the nature and scope of problem/issue.

4. Background – Include a review of past policies and practices, both successful and unsuccessful.

5. Current research efforts – Discuss what potential future developments are being researched. Remember that the project is to be about a current issue using recent research. If nothing has been published in recent years, it may not be as relevant as it may appear on the surface.

6. Discussions – This is the heart of the paper. Thoroughly evaluate the material you have researched. Discuss the pros and cons of various approaches. Analyze the available statistical measures provided by the researchers. Reveal the shortcomings and highlight the merits of the literature.

7. Recommendations – This is where your opinions are given. Opinions must be guided by logic and an understanding of the science gained from your research, be void of emotional language, and be in agreement with biblical truth. A scientifically valid opinion must not violate Scripture or biblical morality.

References – Full bibliography of sources used. This page does not count toward the 15-page length requirement.

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