History Of Rock In Roll Questions

Rock In Roll

1. Consider the three top bands of British blues-based rock in the early 70’s, Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, and Black Sabbath. What distinguishes them from each other? Are there any similarities? Which is the most influential in your estimation?

2. “Whole Lotta Love” by Led Zeppelin is based on a riff. What is the song form and how does this dissection help analyze how the song is performed? What role does the vocal play in contrast to the instrumentation?

3. Yes incorporate numerous aspects of the hippie aesthetic. Using “Roundabout”, list facets of the criteria found that exemplify this. Elaborate on these.

4. Carole King has a long history in songwriting. How does “You’ve Got a Friend” fit with her prior works? What role does the instrumentation play in interpreting this song? How does a personal work touch so many people?

5. The term “Southern rock” initially did not represent a positive moniker for the groups associated with it. How did these groups flip it into a mass-marketing scheme? How does their version of blues-based rock differ from their British counterparts?

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