History Of Criminal Justice Ethics And Gratuities

Criminal Justice Ethics

Write a 400–600 word Essay that responds to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments.  Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas:

Must have a minimum of 2 reliable references (with websites) and must be in APA format. Do not need title and abstract pages.  Must address all questions as stated.  

•First, identify the ethical and legal issues presented in this scenario.

◦When did criminal justice professionals begin to seriously examine ethics and police officer misconduct? Explain.

◦How do you think this situation would have been handled 50 years ago? 25 years ago? 10 years ago? Explain.

■What factors do you think contributed to the evolution of criminal justice ethics throughout recent history?

◦Which of these ethical and legal issues do you feel are the most important? Why?

◦What would you do in this situation? Why?

■Remember to place yourself in the deputy chief’s shoes when determining how you would handle this situation.

◦If you were to ticket the storeowner, how do you think the other officers might respond to your actions? Why?

◦How would you address their responses? Explain.


While at the academy many years ago, you were trained that it is against department policy to accept gratuities—discounts, half-priced meals, even a free cup of coffee—on the grounds that “except for your paycheck, there’s no such thing as an honest buck.” In practice, however, things are less clear-cut.   (For example, it is common among uniformed patrol officers and sergeants to accept free coffee and snacks at a donut shop in one of the high-crime areas in your city. Nearly all of the uniformed officers accept the coffee, sodas, cookies, and doughnuts offered freely by the storeowner, and the department seems, in truth, to know but not care that officers are accepting this free hospitality).

As deputy chief, you find yourself developing a good personal relationship with a certain storeowner. You respect his willingness to work hard and truly appreciate his generosity in supplying you and your colleagues with a much-needed cup of coffee, some food, and a warm welcome on your long, sometimes tedious and lonely tours of duty. Correspondingly, he seems genuinely happy to see you, and he appreciates your willingness to spend your breaks at his establishment. He has been held up at gunpoint twice in the past, and it makes him feel safer with you there.

Around 3:30 a.m., while riding with one of your patrol officers, he pulls over a car that has just gone through a red light. When the officer approaches the vehicle, he recognizes the operator as the storeowner on his way home from a night’s work. He gets out of the vehicle and notices you standing alongside of his vehicle. He addresses you by name and reaches out to shake your hand. He tells you he is sorry about the traffic light and says, “Hey, you are not going to let this young policeman give your old buddy here a ticket for a little thing like that, are you?”

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