HISTORY 2050-80 Dewar MacLeod – Howard Zinn writes, “Was all this bloodshed and deceit

HISTORY 2050-80 Dewar MacLeodSpring 2015FIRST EXAM – Due at 6pm on Sunday, February 15th.Instructions – READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLYWrite essays on three (3) of the following four (4) questions. Each essayshould be about 750 words (roughly 3 typed, double-spaced pages). Saveall three essays as ONE FILE in MS Word.Do not plagiarize!!! This means: do not buy, steal or borrow someone else’swords. If you use another writer’s words, put them in quotation marks andcite them properly (make sure I know where you got them). You should feelfree to quote from the textbook or other sources, but make sure to givecredit where it is due. If you have any questions about plagiarism, checkyour student handbook or contact me directly. Remember: using another’swords without proper citation – even if you didn’t mean to!!! – is plagiarismand will result in – at least – a failing grade on the exam, possibly even forthe course.You may use any sources you like, including my comments and yourclassmates’ words from our discussion board. Again: just give credit whenyou use someone else’s words.You need to have your own thesis as well as supporting evidence for yourthesis. And present your ideas in a clear, well-organized essay.In writing your essays, be sure to refer to specific PRIMARY SOURCEdocuments whenever possible. Your essays will be graded on yourability to explain clearly by synthesizing your understanding of whatyou have read in the textbook with the primary source documents weread each week. In order to get a good grade on this exam, you mustrefer to and discuss the documents. I do not want a simple summaryof the textbook.The Questions – CHOOSE THREE (3):Use these questions as starting points for essays of your own construction,with your own thesis.1. Howard Zinn writes, “Was all this bloodshed and deceit – from Columbusto Cortés, Pizarro, the Puritans – a necessity for the human race toprogress from savagery to civilization?” What does he mean by progress?Using specific historical examples and primary sources – particularly theaccounts by Columbus and Cortes – how would you answer his question?2. Why did the English colonize the New World after 1600? What wasgoing on in England in the late 16th- and early 17th centuries? What socialand economic changes were occurring which fostered colonization? Whatreligious and political issues were at stake?3. Discuss the experiences of the English in the New World in the 17thcentury. Compare the lifestyles of the American Indians, the Chesapeakecolonists and the New England settlers in the seventeenth century.Discuss also the relations between European settlers and NativeAmericans in North America using specific examples. How did thingschange by the middle of the 18th century?4. Discuss the labor situation in the New World from the beginning ofEnglish settlement to the middle of the eighteenth century. What problemsdid investors and settlers (both voluntary and coerced) face, and how didthey solve them? Why did African-American slavery emerge as thedominant form of labor in the colonial south?For all the questions you must use PRIMARY SOURCES as evidence!

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