Health Care Policy


Write your responses where it reads “Enter your response here.” Write as much as needed to satisfy the requirements indicated. Each item contains the rubric which will be used to evaluate your responses.

Short Answer

Research the process by which state legalization of medical marijuana in California (Proposition 215, the Compassionate Use Act) occurred. Using the six-part policy-making process outlined below, describe what happened at each stage. Please refer to “Medical Marijuana Policy in the United States” provided with the Assessment documents. You may identify another state that is considering legalization of medical marijuana and is in the process of going through this policy process, and where in the process they currently find themselves.

· Problem Recognition: Problems that may potentially make their way onto the public policy agenda are recognized. (2–3 paragraphs)

· Agenda Setting: Problems that are deemed worthy of attention are placed on the agenda. (2–3 paragraphs)

· Policy Formulation: Various policies are crafted to deal with the problem that has been set on the agenda. (2–3 paragraphs)

· Policy Adoption: An official policy is agreed upon. (2–3 paragraphs)

· Policy Implementation: The public policy that has been officially agreed upon is put into action. (2–3 paragraphs)

· Policy Analysis and Evaluation: The implemented policy is evaluated for its effectiveness. (2–3 paragraphs)

Your Response

Enter your response here



Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations


Exceeds Expectations

Sub-Competency 1: Apply the six-step policy-making process for improving the health status of populations.
Learning Objective 1.1: Apply the six-step policy process. Application of the six-step policy process is missing. Response is inaccurate or not thorough. Fewer than six steps are included in the response.



Response accurately describes the problem, the agenda, the statement of need for policy formation, the policy that was adopted, how the policy was implemented, and how the policy was evaluated for effectiveness.



Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:


Response draws a clear connection between the impacts of policy and policy formulation.


Response uses data to support the connection.

Research the process by which state legalization of medical marijuana in California (Proposition 215, the Compassionate Use Act) occurred. Using the six-part policy-making process outlined below, describe what happened at each stage. Please refer to “Medical Marijuana Policy in the United States” provided with the Assessment documents. You may identify another state that is considering legalization of medical marijuana and is in the process of going through this policy process, and where in the process they currently find themselves.


· Problem Recognition: Problems that may potentially make their way onto the public policy agenda are recognized. (2–3 paragraphs)

· Agenda Setting: Problems that are deemed worthy of attention are placed on the agenda. (2–3 paragraphs)

· Policy Formulation: Various policies are crafted to deal with the problem that has been set on the agenda. (2–3 paragraphs)

· Policy Adoption: An official policy is agreed upon. (2–3 paragraphs)

· Policy Implementation: The public policy that has been officially agreed upon is put into action. (2–3 paragraphs)

· Policy Analysis and Evaluation: The implemented policy is evaluated for its effectiveness. (2–3 paragraphs)

Your Response

Enter your response here



Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations


Exceeds Expectations

Sub-Competency 1: Apply the six-step policy-making process for improving the health status of populations.
Learning Objective 1.1: Apply the six-step policy process. Application of the six-step policy process is missing. Response is inaccurate or not thorough. Fewer than six steps are included in the response.



Response accurately describes the problem, the agenda, the statement of need for policy formation, the policy that was adopted, how the policy was implemented, and how the policy was evaluated for effectiveness.



Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:


Response draws a clear connection between the impacts of policy and policy formulation.


Response uses data to support the connection.

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