Group Project Brainstorming Report And Group Project Reaction Essay

  • Assignment Instructions Here are the instructions to complete your problem-solving group project:
    1. Create a group of 3 to 5 people.  Post in the Group Project forum in the discussion board to find group members from this class. If you choose to form your group outside of the classroom, the group members need to be over the age of 18 and available to meet at the same time. This can be a group of friends, work associates, or a study group.  This can be a group you create or a group in which you are already a part. It can be a virtual group or a face-to-face group. If you are currently part of a problem-solving group, you may use that group experience for the reaction essay.
    2. Before you meet with your group, you will choose a problem for the group to solve.  Choose a topic from the provided list or decide on your own problem to solve.  Send me a message for topic approval no later than the end of Lesson 4.
    3. Meet as a group to brainstorm the problem and a solution.  You will need to take good notes during your meeting, so make sure to have note taking materials.  Remember, this should be a synchronous group meeting.  It should last at least 1 hour.
    4. Your group will brainstorm your problem and solution following this format below.  Write down each step in as much detail as you can as you will be turning in this step for points toward your total project grade.
    5. Once your group has finished the brainstorming session, you will write a reaction essay.  See the instructions at the bottom of the page for the reaction essay.
  • ItemProblem Solving Ideas Here are some ideas for topics for your group project.  You can use one of these ideas or create your own topic for your group.  Either way, make sure to send me a message so I can approve your topic by the end of Lesson 4.
    1. Relational Issues / Work Related Issues
      1. A teenager asks for permission to extend weekend curfew hours.
      2. Your spouse/child/roommate is constantly late.  Late to get up, late to school/work, late to dinner, etc. The habitual lateness is causing frustration at home.
      3. A subordinate asks for time off during a very busy time at work.  As the superior, you have to decide whether to give the employee time off.
      4. Employees are arriving late to work due to heavy morning rush hour traffic.
    2. Social Issues
      1. Illiteracy in America
      2. Excessive student loan debts
      3. Should the US allow driverless cars
      4. Should the state decriminalize drug related offenses
      5. Transportation issues like drunk driving or texting and driving
      6. Should guns be allowed on college campuses
  • AssignmentGroup Project Brainstorming Report When meeting in your problem-solving group, you will be discussing in detail the problem.  After clearly identifying, defining, and clarifying the problem, your group will create one solution that helps to solve the problem you described.  There will probably not be a solution that is a 100% fix, and that’s okay.  Your group can talk about the strengths and the weaknesses of the solution to meeting the problem.  Remember, take good notes while meeting with your group.  All of the steps in the organizational format below should be explained in great detail, not just notes.
    Organizational Format for Brainstorming Session

    1. Identify – clearly state the problem you are trying to solve.
    2. Define – thoroughly describe the problem.  Why does the problem exist?  What are the cause and effects? Are there drawbacks to solving this problem?
    3. Clarify – who is impacted by the problem?  How are they impacted?
    4. Solve – offer one solution to satisfy the problem.  Include strengths and weaknesses of this solution as it relates to the problem you described.
    5. If you work with others in your class on this project, you need to turn in your own original brainstorming report.  You may not write up a single report and turn it in for all group members.
  • AssignmentGroup Project Reaction Essay Once your group meeting is complete, you will analyze your experience in a reaction essay by answering the questions below. The essay should be 2-3 pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman font.
    Reaction Essay Questions

    • Verbal/Nonverbal Analysis – Did each group member contribute to the problem solving discussion? How did the group decide who would talk at a time? Did one group member talk more than others? Overall was the group effective with verbal communication? How did nonverbal messages contribute to the group process?
    • Listening Analysis– How effective were the group members at listening to one another? Was there a member who exhibited good or poor listening skills? Why are listening skills important when working in a group?
    • Conflict Analysis – Did your group experience any conflict or differing opinions? What type of conflict: pseudo conflict, simple conflict, or ego conflict? How did conflict impact the group problem-solving experience? If conflict was not experienced, how did your group avoid conflict?
    • What insights did you gain about the interpersonal communication process through working in this problem-solving group?

Problem-Solving Project About Excessive Student Loan Debts




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Problem-Solving Project About Excessive Student Loan Debts

Whether we are working to pay off student loans, or credit card debt, paying for elders or childcare, or even trying to save for retirement, the idea of the American dream remains just that – a dream. I am trying to solve the problem of excessive student loan debts. Excessive student loan debt refers to the burden of large outstanding student loans that a borrower cannot pay in a timely manner. According to Friedman (2018), “Student loan debt is now the second highest consumer debt category – behind only mortgage debt – and higher than both credit cards and auto loans” (p.1); This is a growing concern in the US, with the average student loan debt per borrower rising to over $30,000 (Friedman, 2018). This large debt can significantly impact the lives of young people just starting out in their careers, as they are often forced to make difficult financial decisions such as deferring home ownership or other large purchases. This paper discusses the causes of excessive student loan debts, the drawbacks of solving this problem, who is impacted by the problem and how they are impacted, and a solution to the problem and its strengths and weaknesses.

The Causes of Excessive Student Loan Debts

The Rising Cost of Tuition

One of the reasons why the problem exists is the rising cost of tuition. According to Henager et al. (2018), “With the rising cost of tuition, the burden of student loans on individuals and families is increasing” (p.1). In recent years, the cost of attending college has increased much faster than inflation and wages, leaving many students and their families no choice but to take out large loans to finance their education; This has put pressure on students and their families to take out larger loans to pay for their education, leading to a cycle of debt that can be difficult to break Henager et al. (2018). Thus, the rising cost of tuition contributes to excessive student loan debts. The effects of excessive student loan debt can be far-reaching and long-lasting. Borrowers may struggle to make payments on their loans, leading to a negative impact on their credit score and making it more difficult to secure loans for other major purchases, such as a car or a home. Additionally, excessive student loan debt can limit borrowers’ ability to save for retirement, which can significantly impact their financial security in later life.

Lack of Awareness About the Financial Implications of Taking Out Student Loans.

Another cause of the problem of excessive student loan debt is the lack of awareness about the financial implications of taking out student loans. According to Dynan (2020), many students are not fully informed about the terms and conditions of their loans, such as interest rates, repayment terms, and the consequences of defaulting on their loans. This lack of knowledge can lead to students taking out more loans than they can afford to repay, leading to excessive student loan debt. The lack of adequate loan repayment options is also a cause of excessive student loan debt. Currently, many loan repayment plans are not designed to meet the needs of students and are often too rigid, making it difficult for students to repay their loans on time Dynan (2020); This can lead to students falling behind on their loan payments, further contributing to excessive student loan debt. Thus, the lack of awareness about the financial implications of taking out student loans contributes to the problem of excessive student loan debt.

Drawbacks to Solving This Problem of Excessive Student Loan Debt.

There are drawbacks to solving the problem of excessive student loan debt. According to Dynarski (2021), some proposals to lower the cost of tuition would require increased government funding or tax increases, which could be politically controversial. Additionally, forgiving student loan debt may negatively affect the economy, as it could lead to decreased confidence in the value of higher education and potentially lower the demand for loans to finance education Dynarski (2021). Thus, there are drawbacks to solving the problem of excessive student loan debt.

Who is Impacted by the Problem of Excessive Student Loan Debts, and How are they impacted?

The Students Themselves

One of the primary groups impacted by the problem of excessive student loan debt is students themselves. According to Amin et al. (2021), as tuition costs continue to rise, many students are taking out larger and larger loans to pay for their education; This can result in a significant financial burden for students, even before they have entered the workforce. With high levels of student loan debt, students may struggle to make ends meet, pay bills, and make necessary purchases Amin et al. (2021); This can lead to a cycle of financial stress and difficulty, which can have long-lasting effects on their well-being and financial stability. Thus, the students themselves are impacted by the problem of excessive student loan debt.

The Recent Graduates

Recent graduates are another group impacted by the problem of excessive student loan debt. According to Amin et al. (2021), as they enter the workforce, they face the reality of having to repay their student loans. For many, this can mean a significant portion of their monthly income is being used to repay debt, leaving them with little money for other necessities such as housing, food, and transportation; This can lead to financial hardship and make it difficult for recent graduates to build a strong financial foundation for their future. Thus, recent graduates are impacted by the problem of excessive student loan debt.

A Solution to the Problem of Excessive Student Loan Debt and Its Strengths and Weaknesses.

Income-Driven Repayment (IDR) Plan

One solution to the problem of excessive student loan debt is to offer income-driven repayment (IDR) plans. According to Yu (2020), IDR plans are designed to make it easier for borrowers to repay their student loans by linking their monthly payments to their income; This means that borrowers who are struggling to make their payments can have their payments reduced so that they are more affordable. Additionally, after 20-25 years of making payments, the remaining loan balance will be forgiven. Thus, income-driven repayment (IDR) plans to solve the problem of excessive student loan debt.

Strengths of Income-Driven Repayment (IDR) Plan

The strengths of income-driven repayment (IDR) plans are affordability, forgiveness, and flexibility. IDR plans are designed to make student loan repayment more affordable for borrowers. According to Delisle (2021), affordability is a significant strength of the plan because it can help reduce the debt burden for those struggling to make their payments. Another strength of the IDR plan is that after 20-25 years of making payments, the remaining loan balance will be forgiven (Delisle, 2021); This can provide significant relief for borrowers who may otherwise be struggling with student loan debt for the rest of their lives. IDR plans are also flexible, allowing borrowers to switch between plans if their income changes (Delisle, 2021). This is important because it allows borrowers to adjust their payments to their financial situation. Thus, affordability, forgiveness, and flexibility are strengths of income-driven repayment (IDR) plans.

Weaknesses of the Income-Driven Repayment (IDR) Plan

Complexity and tax implications are weaknesses of income-driven repayment (IDR) plans. According to Lacey (2018), IDR plans can be complex, making it difficult for some borrowers to qualify for the loans. Private student loan borrowers may not be eligible for IDR plans; This means that the solution may not be accessible to all who need it, which is a significant weakness. Tax Implications are another weakness of income-driven repayment (IDR) plans because the forgiven balance at the end of the repayment period may be taxed as income. This can result in a significant tax burden for borrowers, which can offset some of the plan’s benefits. Thus, the weaknesses of income-driven repayment (IDR) plans are complexity and tax implications.


In conclusion, excessive student loan debt is a problem. The problem exists because of the rising tuition cost and the lack of awareness about the financial implications of taking out student loans. The students and the recent graduates are the ones impacted by the problem. IDR plan is a viable solution to the problem of excessive student loan debt. It offers affordability, forgiveness, and flexibility to borrowers struggling to make payments. However, it has weaknesses, including complexity and potential tax implications. Excessive student loan debt is a growing problem that has the potential to cause significant harm to individuals and society as a whole. While there is no single solution to this problem, there are steps that can be taken to help alleviate the burden of student loan debt and make higher education more accessible and affordable. It is essential that policymakers and stakeholders act to address this issue, as doing so will positively impact the economy and individuals’ lives in the long term.





Delisle, J. D., & Cooper, P. (2021). Fixing Income-Driven Repayment for Federal Student Loans. American Enterprise Institute.

Dynan, K. (2020). Rising student loan burdens and what to do about them. Business Economics, 55, 129-133.

Dynarski, S. M. (2021). An economist’s perspective on student loans in the United States. In Human Capital Policy (pp. 84-102). Edward Elgar Publishing. Https://

Friedman, Z. (2018). Student loan debt statistics in 2018: A $1.5 trillion crisis. Forbes: New York, NY, USA.

Henager, R., & Wilmarth, M. J. (2018). The relationship between student loan debt and financial wellness. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 46(4), 381-395.

Lacy, T. A., Conzelmann, J. G., & Smith, N. D. (2018). Federal income-driven repayment plans and short-term student loan outcomes. Educational Researcher, 47(4), 255-258.

Yu, P. (2020). Relief for borrowers in income-driven repayment. Student Borrower Protection Center Research Paper.



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