Global Knowledge Kickoff Event

PowerPoint Presentation

Your principal accepted your proposal and has asked you to create a kickoff event for the global knowledge program you proposed. He has asked you to create a visual presentation of the kickoff event he can share with district personnel to promote the program and provide a glimpse of what the event might look like. Connect to academic standards and curricular requirements, and integrate with other classrooms and content areas around your campus. Possible structures might include a schoolwide global literacy night, charity event, global presentation fair, or other community event.

Create a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation.

Address the following in your presentation:

·       The role teacher leaders play in preparing global students

·       Skills, knowledge, and dispositions students will need to function in a global environment

·       Connections to academic standards and Common Core State Standards at multiple grade levels or content areas

·       Issues and challenges in creating global competence in teaching and learning

·       Assessment and accountability perspectives in relation to the new skills and knowledge needed for a global society

·       Strategies for including schoolwide stakeholders, including K-12 students, parents, school community members, district leaders, and local businesses

·       A vision for what the event venue and materials might look like

List major points in the slides. Include detailed explanations in the speaker notes that correlate to each point.

Include videos, audio, photos, diagrams, or graphs, as appropriate.

Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.

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