Student :  Yolande Njomjeu

Reflection of the Big Dipper, 1947

Jackson Pollock

Media: Oil on Canvas

1- According to an art blogger, abstract painting is the visual expression of an artist without the constraint of forms found in objective reality. It is consider the purest form of expression.

2-What is the media used for each piece and how does it add to the piece?

This piece of art was painted on canvas. The artist used oil because it allows him to use techniques like blending. He also used enamel to complete the layered look.

3-What example of contrast can you find in color, size and shape?

Pollock alternated between thick and thin lines. Some of his gestures make me think of ink-jet print. This painting has an organic shape, it looks chaotic. The artist used  primary colors like blue and yellow. He also used some secondary colors like orange and purple. The blue is very saturated and contrast with the black.

4-How would the painting look if the orientation was horizontal? Do you think the artist would have painted it differently?

If the painting was horizontally oriented, the direction of the lines would have change. Pollock was known for putting the canvas on a hard surface especially on the floor. He wanted to have all possible views of the painting. I do not think he would have painted it differently.


Composition VII, 1913

Wassily Kandinsky

Media: Oil on Canvas

1-Abstract painting is the visual expression of an artist without the contraint of forms found in objective reality. It is considered the purest form of expression.

2-What is the media used for this piece and how does it add to the piece?

The piece of art was painted on canvas. The artist used oil because it allows him to use techniques like blending.

3-What example of contrast can you find in color, size, and shape?

Some colors are vivid while others are blurred. The painting looks like a hurricane of forms and colors. The artist intertwined hard and soft edged shapes.

4-How would the painting look if the orientation was horizontal? Do you think the artist would have painted it differently?

The painting is oriented horizontally. i do not think the artist would have painted it differently. To him a painting is a music and i believe this is the music he wanted to compose.

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