Bonnie and Clyde Film Analysis Paper

Bonnie and Clyde

This is a 1500-2000 word (3-5 pages) film analysis. Follow the posted rubric for specifics on how it will be graded. Make sure you are meeting all requirements of the rubric.  I have attached the rubric and the prompt in detail.


The film that was chosen that you have to watch and analyze is Bonnie and Clyde (1967) I will also attach the prompt for the outline that you can send to me so I can send it to my professor for feedback. For the Categories of elements there are techniques/terms under those. If needed definition for it please do ask me so I can see if it is in my textbook.  TWO categories of elements (narrative structure, cinematography, mise-en-scène, editing, sound)

Below is how the outline should be set up


I. SUMMARY of film (without spoiling the ending). One paragraph synopsis of film – not more than ½  to ¾ of a page.


A. State a theme of the film and

B. the TWO categories of elements (narrative structure, cinematography, mise-en-scène, editing, sound) you will

analyze to explain how well they do/do not support the theme.

C. Thesis statement  – how elements of form are used (successfully or not) to create meaning, and support theme.

III. ANALYSIS of the movie’s form. (THINK: What works well? What doesn’t? How is it used to create meaning?)

A. First category of elements

  1. Technique one / scene where it’s used / meaning created
  2. Technique two / scene where it’s used / meaning created
  3. NOTE: Think about relation to theme

B. Second category of elements

  1. Technique one / scene where it’s used / meaning created
  2. Technique two / scene where it’s used / meaning created
  3. NOTE: Think about relation to theme

IV. CONCLUSION restate your thesis and  …

A. RECOMMENDATION for or against watching the film (because of its good use of form or despite the bad form).




Bonnie and Clyde Film Analysis Paper




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Bonnie and Clyde Film Analysis Paper

“I’m even better at running’ than I am at robbing’ banks!” is a quote by Bonnie from the film Bonnie and Clyde. Bonnie and Clyde is a 1967 American crime film directed by Arthur Penn, starring Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway. According to Lenon (2022), the film depicts the story of the notorious bank robbers Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow during their crime spree across the central United States during the Great Depression. The film was a critical and commercial success and is known for its innovative cinematography, use of slow-motion to depict violence, and its humanization of Bonnie and Clyde (Lenon, 2022). Bonnie and Clyde is a landmark film in the American New Wave movement and remains a classic of American cinema. The film’s soundtrack, which features a mix of traditional American folk songs and modern rock and roll, reflects its themes of youth, rebellion, and the rejection of traditional American values. This paper will analyze the film Bonnie and Clyde and how the author has used characterization, theme, symbolism, and setting.


The film Bonnie and Clyde uses characterization by the use of different characters like Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow. This is done to provide insight into these two notorious figures’ personalities and motivations and evoke sympathy and understanding from the audience. Characterization is the formation of a fictional character.  According to Severns (2021), the film starts with an introduction of Bonnie Parker, who is portrayed as a young woman looking for excitement and adventure. She is shown to be a free spirit tired of her mundane life and longs for something more; This is conveyed through her body language, dialogue, and actions, all of which suggest that she is restless and yearning for something more meaningful. On the other hand, Clyde Barrow is introduced as a disturbed young man driven by a sense of purpose (Severns, 2021). He is shown to be a charismatic figure who can win the hearts of those around him, even as he carries out his criminal activities; This is demonstrated through his confident and determined demeanor, charm and charisma, and his unwavering commitment to his cause. Throughout the film, the characterization of Bonnie and Clyde is further developed as they become partners in crime and life. Their relationship is based on mutual respect, trust, and love. Bonnie is shown to be the more daring of the two, constantly pushing the boundaries and taking risks, while Clyde is more practical and cautious. Together, they form a formidable team that can outwit the law and carries out their crimes relatively easily. Severns (2021) also stated that one of the key ways characterization is used in Bonnie and Clyde is through dialogue. The film features several memorable exchanges between Bonnie and Clyde, which reveal their personalities and motivations. Through these exchanges, the audience can see the inner workings of their relationship and understand the depth of their feelings for one another. Thus, the author uses characterization in the film by the use of different characters like Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow.


The 1967 film “Bonnie and Clyde” has used different themes. Directed by Arthur Penn, the movie follows the lives of Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow, two notorious bank robbers, and outlaws in the early 1930s. Throughout the film, various themes are woven into the story and characters, creating a powerful and memorable cinematic experience. According to Sava (2018), one of the primary themes explored in “Bonnie and Clyde” is the idea of the American Dream. Bonnie and Clyde come from poor and troubled backgrounds, and their journey together is driven by a desire to escape their circumstances and live a better life. They dream of a world free from oppression and can live as they. However, as the film progresses, their quest for the American Dream becomes increasingly violent and destructive, ultimately leading to their downfall.

Sava (2018) also stated that another important theme in “Bonnie and Clyde” is the issue of class conflict. The film takes place during the Great Depression, and the struggles of the working class are a significant aspect of the story. Bonnie and Clyde come to represent the working class in their struggle against the wealthy and powerful. Through their criminal activities, they challenge the status quo and make a bold statement about the inequalities of society. Thus, different themes are used in the film Bonnie and Clyde.


The film uses symbolism to explore themes of freedom, love, and violence. Symbolism is the use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities. According to Reagan (2018), one of the most prominent symbols in the film is the car, which represents both freedom and death. The car symbolizes freedom because Bonnie and Clyde can escape their mundane lives and go on a thrilling adventure. It is also a symbol of death because the car ultimately leads to their downfall. This dual symbolism is emphasized in the film’s final scene, where Bonnie and Clyde are ambushed and killed in their car. Another important symbol in the film is Bonnie’s love for Clyde (Reagan, 2018). She is seen as a symbol of love and devotion, despite being a criminal. Her love for Clyde is shown as a positive force in her life, giving her a sense of purpose and meaning. However, her love for Clyde is also a symbol of her limitations, as she cannot leave him despite his violent and dangerous behavior. Reagan (2018) also stated that the film uses guns as a symbol of violence. The guns are seen as a tool for Bonnie and Clyde to assert their power and control over others, but they are also what ultimately leads to their death. The film explores the idea that violence begets violence and the cycle of violence is difficult to escape; This is shown in the film’s climax, where Bonnie and Clyde are killed in a hail of bullets. Thus, symbolism is used in the film in the different ways mentioned above.


The film’s setting plays an essential role in conveying the themes and mood of the story. Setting is the place where an event takes place. According to Lenon (2022), the film takes place during the Great Depression, and the setting helps to create an atmosphere of poverty, desperation, and hopelessness. The film shows the struggles of ordinary people during this time as they struggle to make ends meet and provide for their families. This setting serves as a backdrop for Bonnie and Clyde’s criminal activities and helps to explain why they turn to a life of crime. The film also uses the setting to create a sense of motion and restlessness (Lenon, 2022). Bonnie and Clyde are constantly on the move, and the film uses shots of the car driving through various landscapes to convey this sense of motion. This restlessness reflects the characters’ restlessness as they seek to escape their mundane lives and experience something new and exciting. Finally, the film uses the setting to create a sense of danger and suspense. The film features several shootouts and car chases, and the setting helps to develop a sense of urgency and tension during these scenes (Lenon, 2022). The film’s climax, in which Bonnie and Clyde are ambushed and killed, takes place in a rural setting, and this contrast between the peaceful countryside and the violence of the shootout underscores the film’s themes of violence and the destructive consequences of crime. Thus, the film’s setting has been used to portray an atmosphere of poverty, desperation, and hopelessness.


In conclusion, Bonnie and Clyde is a landmark film that revolutionized the way violence was depicted in Hollywood films and challenged traditional notions of the American hero. Bonnie and Clyde use characterization to provide a nuanced and empathetic portrayal of two of the most notorious criminals of the early 20th century. The film explores various themes, including the American Dream, class conflict, love, and mortality. The film Bonnie and Clyde uses symbolism to explore themes of freedom, love, and violence. The car represents freedom and death, Bonnie’s love for Clyde represents love and limitation, and the guns represent violence and destructive consequences. Through these symbols, the film offers a nuanced look at the lives of two notorious criminals and the world in which they lived. The film also uses the setting to create a sense of danger and suspense. The film features several shootouts and car chases, and the setting helps to develop a sense of urgency and tension during these scenes. Through its use of setting, the film offers a rich and nuanced look at the lives of Bonnie and Clyde and the world in which they lived. Its humanization of Bonnie and Clyde, innovative cinematography, and memorable soundtrack have made it a classic of American cinema. The film is essential in American history as it creates a timeless and thought-provoking commentary on American society and the human experience.




Film, Lenon, S., & Talks, B. M. (2022). Riding the New Wave: The Case of Bonnie and Clyde. Book Reviews.

Reagan, M. (2018). Bonnie and Clyde: The Making of a Legend. Booklist114(19-20), 72-73.

Sava, M. Appropriating Bonnie and Clyde; The Use of Myth to Reexamine Native Identity and Reclaim Agency For A New Generation.

Severns, M. (2021). “Out of Their Time”: How Bonnie and Clyde Were Reinvented For a 1960s Audience. Janus: The Undergraduate History Journal, 62. History








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