Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) and Research

Sponsored by: EBP/Research Council

Mercy Medical Center

Division of Nursing


Contact Hours: 1.5

(Mercy Medical Center is approved as a provider of continuing nursing education by the Maryland Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

AIIMM Poster Presentation Dates Location: B15


Discuss the importance of EBP and Research

Differentiate between EBP and Research.

Discuss effective strategies in implementing EBP and Research

Translate knowledge by developing and completing unit poster at the end of the session.

Importance of EBP Presentation


Importance of EBP(cont.)


Differences between EBP and Research




Successful Strategies to Create a EBP Project


Step 1: Planning


Step 2: Design


Step 3: How to present the EBP?


Step 4: Making Presentation


Preparing for EBP and Research Development

Title of AIIMM Project

AIIMM Project Team Members


Project Date




Targeted Goal


Description of Interventions


Outcomes / Graphs (pre and post data)


Recommendation/Change in Practice



roject team members with credentials



Project team members with credentials

AIIMM Poster Project Title

(A) Assess

Include project dates

Background/Problem – how was problem identified?

Purpose or objective

(I) Improve

Targeted goal (use smart goal)

(I) Implement

Description of process of implementation – what interventions have you implemented to fix the problem?

(M) Measure

Include your results – pre and post would be helpful

Use graphs – include intervention lines

(M) Maintain

You can include the recommendations or change in practice here.

Conclusion can be included under this phase of AIIMM


References: (APA format)

Jones, M., Smith, P., & Yi, J. (2016). 4 steps for implementing successful performance improvement initiatives in CLABSI. AACN Adv Critical Care, 17(4), 446-454.

If a DOI has been assigned to the article that you are using, you should include this after the page numbers for the article




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