Analysing The Role of Setting in the Novel Other Voices, Other Rooms by Truman Capote.

Other Voices, Other Rooms.

For the term paper, you will write a documented, researched paper of four (4) to five (5) pages (not including the works-cited page), incorporating three (3) secondary sources into your paper. Select one of the following topics: Topic choices are as follows:

Topic A:

Analyze one specific topic about Capote’s Other Voices, Other Rooms. Possible topics are:

  • The Significance of a Specific Motif (Snow Queen, Mirror Imagery, Eyes, Butterflies/Moths, or Birds, for example)
  • Other Voices, Other Rooms as a Novel of Adolescence (Coming-of-Age Novel)
  • The Role of Setting in the Novel
  • The Novel as an Example of Queer Literature
  • A topic of your choice about the novel; be sure to get my pre-approval for your topic suggestion.

Topic B:

Select one of the following stories listed on our reading schedule between Module 5 and Module 9:

  • Richard Wright, “The Man Who Was Almost a Man”
  • Zora Neale Hurston, “Sweat”
  • Peter Taylor “Venus, Cupid, Folly and Time”
  • William Faulkner, “A Rose for Emily”
  • Flannery O’Connor, “A Good Man Is Hard to Find”
  • Truman Capote, “Miriam.”

Write an interpretative analysis of this story in the light of one particular critical approach, such as cultural contexts, gender roles, or psychological interpretations. Be sure to get my pre-approval for your topic suggestion.

General Requirements:

  • Keep in mind the following requirements: Your term paper will be a documented research paper that incorporates information found in secondary sources (i.e., sources about the chosen work, topic, or writer) to back up your major claims and ideas about the story or novel. You need to link the researched material to the primary text, synthesizing your research findings with your own, close reading of the story or novel to support your findings.
  • Use the 2016 MLA style format for the paper, works-cited list, and in-text citations. Please note that the MLA format requirements will be part of the assessment of the term paper, including the MLA-style list of works cited.
  • At least three secondary, scholarly sources need to be integrated into your paper to achieve a well-supported, objective view. Also be sure to maintain a good balance between your own ideas and quoted or paraphrased material.
  • Be meticulous in properly giving credit to all sources, including any Internet material, that you used in preparing your paper, be it by way of quotations, paraphrases, or summaries. Remember the plagiarism issues stated in the syllabus and addressed earlier in the term. Any plagiarism will result in a failing grade for the assignment. If you are not sure what or how to document, do not hesitate to consult me.
  • Please note that I will not accept any late term papers; there are no exceptions to this rule.




Analysing The Role of Setting in the Novel Other Voices, Other Rooms by Truman Capote




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Analysing The Role of Setting in the Novel Other Voices, Other Rooms by Truman Capote

Are the dead as lonesome as the living? Other Voices, Other Rooms is a novel by Truman Capote, first published in 1948. The novel is known for its unique narrative style and themes of sexuality, loneliness, and self-discovery. According to Liu (2021), the novel follows the journey of a young boy named Joel Knox, who travels to a rural Southern town in search of his father. Upon arrival, he finds himself at a decaying mansion called “Skully’s Landing,” where he meets a cast of eccentric characters, including his father, who is confined to his room. Through his interactions with these characters, Joel begins to understand the complexities of life and the world around him. Liu (2021) also stated that Capote’s use of Southern Gothic elements is one of the novel’s notable features. The decaying mansion, the creepy and mysterious inhabitants, and the eerie setting all add to the haunting and melancholy tone of the novel. The use of vivid and descriptive language creates an atmosphere that is both enchanting and unsettling. Another significant aspect of the novel is its exploration of sexuality and gender identity (Liu, 2021). The character of Randolph, for instance, is a homosexual man trapped in a loveless marriage. Through the setting, the book explores themes of sexuality, loneliness, and self-discovery and also it plays a crucial role in shaping the mood and atmosphere of the story. What will be discussed in this paper is the role of the setting in the novel.

The Role of Setting in the Novel Other Voices, Other Rooms by Truman Capote

Shaping the Mood and Atmosphere of the Story

In Truman Capote’s novel Other Voices, Other Rooms, the setting plays an essential role in shaping the mood and atmosphere of the story. The novel’s setting is the decaying Southern mansion called “Skully’s Landing.” The description of the mansion as dilapidated, eerie, and haunted creates a sad and foreboding atmosphere. The setting becomes an integral part of the story and adds to the haunting beauty of the novel. The isolated countryside location of the mansion reinforces the themes of loneliness and disconnection that run throughout the novel, adding to the eerie and unsettling atmosphere. Using vivid and descriptive language to describe the setting also contributes to creating a specific mood (Kandel, 2019). Capote’s choice of words and how he describes the setting enhances the reader’s imagination and helps to create a vivid and memorable atmosphere. Thus, the setting contributes to the mood and atmosphere of the story.

Development of its Themes

The setting of Truman Capote’s novel Other Voices, Other Rooms plays a crucial role in developing its themes. The novel’s setting serves as a backdrop to the themes of identity, self-discovery, loneliness, and disconnection. The decaying Southern mansion called “Skully’s Landing” symbolizes decay and isolation, reinforcing the themes of loneliness and disconnection. The isolated location of the mansion in the rural Southern countryside cuts the characters off from the rest of society, emphasizing their isolation and loneliness. The setting also contributes to the foreboding and melancholy that permeates the story. The character of Joel Knox travels to Skully’s Landing in search of his father and himself (Denis, 2017). Through his interactions with the other characters, he begins to understand the complexities of life and the world around him. The setting serves as a backdrop to his journey of self-discovery, highlighting the importance of finding one’s place in the world. This theme of self-discovery is reinforced by the fact that the characters in the novel are all searching for something – whether it be love, identity, or meaning in their lives. Moreover, the setting of Skully’s Landing also contributes to the theme of identity (Denis, 2017). The characters in the novel are all struggling to understand who they are and where they belong in the world. The setting serves as a metaphor for their inner turmoil, and their experiences in the mansion help them better understand their place in the world. Thus, the setting in the novel plays a crucial role in developing the themes of identity, self-discovery, loneliness, and disconnection.

Reflecting on the Central Ideas of the Novel

The setting in Truman Capote’s novel Other Voices, Other Rooms is a powerful tool in reflecting the novel’s central ideas. The setting in the novel serves as a reflection of the central ideas of identity, self-discovery, loneliness, and disconnection. The decaying Southern mansion called Skully’s Landing serves as a metaphor for the decay and isolation of the characters. The mansion’s disrepair and its isolated location in the rural Southern countryside reinforce the themes of loneliness and disconnection throughout the novel. The setting also reflects the theme of self-discovery, as the character of Joel Knox travels to Skully’s Landing in search of his father and himself (Kandel, 2019). Through his interactions with the other characters, he begins to understand the complexities of life and the world around him. The setting serves as a backdrop to his journey of self-discovery. The characters in the novel are all struggling to understand who they are and where they belong in the world, and the mansion serves as a metaphor for their inner turmoil (Kandel, 2019). The eerie and haunting atmosphere of the mansion contributes to the characters’ sense of confusion and disorientation, highlighting the central idea of identity. Thus, the novel’s setting reflects the novel’s central ideas.


In conclusion, Other Voices, Other Rooms is a powerful and thought-provoking novel that explores themes of sexuality, loneliness, and self-discovery and also it plays a crucial role in shaping the mood and atmosphere of the story. The decaying Southern mansion symbolizes decay and isolation, reinforcing the themes of loneliness and disconnection while also playing a crucial role in the character’s journey of self-discovery. Through the use of setting, Capote creates a vivid and haunting atmosphere that contributes to the power and impact of the novel. The setting in Other Voices, Other Rooms also plays a crucial role in developing its themes. The decaying Southern mansion symbolizes decay and isolation, reinforcing the themes of loneliness and disconnection while also playing a crucial role in the character’s journey of self-discovery and identity. Through the use of setting, Capote creates a vivid and haunting atmosphere that contributes to the power and impact of the novel and reinforces the themes that run throughout the story. The setting of Skully’s Landing in Other Voices, Other Rooms is also a powerful reflection of the novel’s central ideas. Through its setting, the novel explores themes of identity, self-discovery, loneliness, and disconnection in a vivid and haunting way. The decaying Southern mansion serves as a metaphor for the characters’ decay and isolation, reinforcing the novel’s themes and contributing to the overall power and impact of the story. Through his use of setting, Capote creates a vivid and haunting atmosphere that contributes to the power and influence of the novel.



Dennis, E. (2017). Other voices: The new journalism in America. Routledge.

Kandel, D. (2019). Critique of Heterosexual Normativity in Truman Capote’s Other Voices, Other Rooms (Doctoral dissertation, Central Departmental of English).

Liu, Y. L. (2021). The Stagnation and Transcendence of the Queer Patriarchy: Truman Capote’s Other Voices, Other Rooms. Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies47(1), 271-296.



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