Environmental Resources Worksheet


Using the assigned readings from chapter 12-14, write a 50- to 75-word response to each of the following questions. Your responses will be assessed according to the accuracy of the content.


1. How do minerals affect society?

2. What is the difference between metallic and nonmetallic minerals? Provide two examples from each category and discuss their uses.


1. How are minerals extracted from the Earth and processed?

2. What are the different ways minerals can be mined? Provide a brief description of at least three types of mining.

3. What effect does extracting minerals have on the environment?


1. What is your definition of soil? What is soil composed of? Why is soil important to the environment?

2. What types of organisms are found in soil? Determine the relationship between soil and organisms.

3. What is soil erosion? How can soil become polluted? What effect does soil erosion and pollution have on the environment?

4. What is the purpose of soil reclamation?

Forestry and Rangeland Resources and Management Strategies

1. Differentiate between government-owned lands and public lands. Which government agencies are involved with government-owned lands? What is the purpose of government-owned lands?

2. Why is the forest an important ecosystem?

3. What is your definition of forest management? What is its purpose? Describe the concept of sustainable forestry.

4. What effect does the harvesting of trees and deforestation have on forests and the environment? Is there a preferred method for harvesting trees? Explain.

5. What is a rangeland? Describe rangeland degradation and desertification. What effect does degradation and desertification have on the environment?

6. What is overgrazing? What effect does this have on rangelands?

7. What strategies can be employed for the management and conservation of forests and rangelands?


1. What is the difference between industrialized agriculture and subsistence agriculture? What effect do these methods of agriculture have on the environment?

2. What is one agricultural challenge, other than soil erosion, that society faces? Explain your answer.

3. How would you describe sustainable agriculture? How does it affect the environment? In regards to agriculture, what are the advantages and disadvantages involved with genetic engineering?

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