Health Hazards due to Air and Water Pollution

Environmental Health

Water is an essential element of life on earth. A human being can survive for only about one week without water. As the global population expands and increasing industrialization creates ever-growing demands for water, supply of this vital commodity has become endangered.

Health Hazards due to Air and Water Pollution Just as water, clean air is an essential element for the survival of life on earth. Air that is polluted can endanger our health and cause damage to trees, wildlife, and property.

Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research on the topic, “Various Health Hazards Caused by Water and Air Pollution.”

Based on your understanding, create a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document that includes the answers to the following questions:

What are the hazardous substances that may be found in drinking water and what are their impacts on our health?

Describe how water is made safe for human consumption.

Epidemiologic analyses have demonstrated a correlation between an increase in total daily mortality and an increase in air pollution.

Provide examples to explain how historically significant fatal air pollution episodes (that were characterized by extreme increases in air pollution) lead to increase in mortality.

Describe how greenhouse gases contribute to the greenhouse effect.

Explain the term “global warming” and present arguments in favor of and against the proposition that global warming has occurred during the past century. What environmental outcomes have been attributed to global warming?
Submission Details

Support your responses with reasoning and examples

Cite any sources in APA format.

Name your document SU_HSC3002_W4_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.

Submit your document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.

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