Enlightenment IN Declaration of Independence

Choose three of the following questions and write a 150-350 word response to each question

Include the question at the top of your response. Put all responses into one document – in other words don’t submit the assignment multiple times, once for each response.  Remember – you MUST put information in your own words (this includes information from your text book and online sources) or it is considered plagiarism and you will receive a score of 1 on the assignment.



1. Name at least 2 philosophers who influenced Thomas Jefferson’s writing of the Declaration of Independence?  What ideas of theirs did Jefferson use?

2. What was an important literary invention of the late 18th century?  How does that reflect the thinking of the time?

3. Discuss the use of satire as commentary for social change.  What subjects did Swift and Hogarth use?  How are their works examples of satire?  Provide specific examples of works from both Swift and Hogarth.

4. In what contexts and for what specific occasions did instrumental music serve during the eighteenth century?  Did all the social classes demand instrumental music?  If so, how?

5. How did the philosophes reconcile their belief in God but oppose the church authority and organized religion? What did they call their beliefs?

6.   Find and read Swift’s essay A Modest Proposal.  What is Swift trying to accomplish in this essay?  What is this genre? What do you think of his approach? Would it be successful?

7. Compare David’s Oath of the Horatii and Fragonard’s The Swing. How does Neo-Classical art differ from Rococo art? Provide at least two examples of differences in your analysis.

8. What are the political and social undertones depicted in David’s Oath of the Horatii?

9. Tell us something about Mozart and Haydn.

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