Create a essay paper about The death penalty should be abolished. Create APA CITATIONS FROM THE RESOURCES THAT YOU FIND AND HOW TO PROPERLY CITE IS BELOW.
Instructions: *****YOU ARE TO CREATE 5 CITATIONS PROPERLY FORMATTED AS THE INSTRUCTIONS SAY FOR RESEARCH PAPER. AND post the 5 references on a separate paper on the sources that you found regarding the death penalty. FOR YOUR ESSAY REPONSE IN PART TWO.*********READ THIS INSTRUCIONS********** DO NOT PASS THE INTRUCTIONS********
Craft an APA style references citation for each of 5 sources you will use in your Argumentative Research Essay. See this resource (Links to an external site.) on APA style references pages. Note the matter of the hanging indent.
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Note: You should carefully read and check any citations created through citation generators.
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Sunday, December 13th by 11:59 PM
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5 references citations correctly formatted in APA style.
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APA format is required. A title page and abstract page are not required. Format your assignment as a references page. See the following resources on APA:
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PART TWO*************************
This essay must be written in the argumentative mode, and you will incorporate research into it. The primary purpose of this argumentative essay is to convince readers to think the way you do about a subject. To accomplish this goal, you must establish a reasonable and thoughtful argument supporting a position on an issue.
Your essay should:
*** An abstract page is optional. ***
You are responsible for choosing your own topic for this assignment. Consider writing about an issue you are passionate about – ideally one in your career field.
Support your position with evidence. The following are different ways to support your argument:
Do not:
Write with maturity and thoughtfulness knowing that your essay will be read by the general audience of college-level adults in our class. Consider and acknowledge counterarguments. Don’t deliver a partisan rant or regurgitate the talking points of an elected official or cable TV news host. Though our class respects all faiths and lack thereof, please avoid exclusively faith-based argument. If your argument involves religion, cite scholarly, peer-reviewed theologians.
8 full pages not including your title and references pages. “1 full page” refers to a full page of 12-point Times New Roman double-spaced font that runs to the bottom of the page. 1-inch margins. No excessive spaces to pad length.
Student’s Name
Can we expect a decent society if the state can kill its people? The death penalty, also known as capital punishment, is executing individuals convicted of certain crimes, primarily murder. The use of the death penalty has been a topic of controversy and debate for centuries, with arguments for and against its use (Banner, 2022). The use of the death penalty as a form of punishment dates back to ancient civilizations, such as Babylon, Greece, and Rome. It has been used throughout history as a way to punish serious crimes such as murder, treason, and espionage. In the United States, the use of the death penalty has been a controversial issue, with some states abolishing it while others continue to use it. In 1972, the US Supreme Court temporarily suspended the use of the death penalty, but it was reinstated in 1976. Currently, more than 50 countries worldwide have abolished the death penalty in law or practice, while more than 70 still use it as a form of punishment. According to Banner (2022), proponents of the death penalty argue that it serves as a deterrent to crime and provides a sense of justice for victims and their families. They believe it is the only appropriate punishment for the most heinous crimes and helps protect society from dangerous criminals. They also argue that life imprisonment without parole is not a viable alternative, as it is expensive and does not provide closure for the victims’ families.
On the other hand, opponents of the death penalty argue that it is cruel and inhumane and violates the right to life (Banner, 2022). They say that the death penalty is not effective as a deterrent and that there have been many cases where innocent people have been wrongly sentenced to death. They also argue that the death penalty is racially biased and applied disproportionately to marginalized communities and people of color. Banner (2022) also stated that the death penalty is also expensive. The cost of a single death penalty case can be several times more than that of a case in which the defendant is sentenced to life imprisonment without parole; This has led some states to reconsider using the death penalty as they look for ways to reduce costs and balance their budgets. This paper discusses the risk of executing an innocent person, racism, and the death penalty not being an effective deterrent to crime as some of the reasons for abolishing the death penalty.
The risk of executing an innocent person is one of the reasons why the death penalty should be abolished. According to Hood et al. (2018), the possibility of executing an innocent person is a fundamental flaw in the death penalty and cannot be eliminated. Despite advancements in forensic science and technology, the criminal justice system is not perfect, and there have been cases where people were wrongly convicted and sentenced to death. Despite forensic science and technology advancements, human error and biases can still lead to wrongful convictions. Once a person is sentenced to death, it becomes challenging to overturn the verdict and prove innocence, even with new evidence. The possibility of executing an innocent person is a fundamental flaw in the death penalty and cannot be eliminated. According to Hood et al. (20218) one such example is the case of Cameron Todd Willingham – In 1992, Willingham was convicted of setting a fire that killed his three young children and was executed in Texas in 2004. Subsequent investigations have cast doubt on the scientific evidence used to convict him. The risk of running an innocent person undermines public confidence in the criminal justice system. It sends a message that the state is willing to take someone’s life even when a mistake is possible. This raises serious ethical and moral questions about the use of the death penalty and the values that it represents. Moreover, the death penalty is unnecessary in providing justice for victims and their families (Hood et al., 2018). Life imprisonment without parole can provide a sense of closure and accountability without the risk of executing an innocent person. In addition, this alternative punishment is often more cost-effective and less prone to human error than the death penalty. Thus, the risk of executing an innocent person is one of the reasons to abolish the death penalty.
Second, the death penalty is racially biased and unfairly targets marginalized communities and people of color; therefore, it should be abolished. Studies have shown that people of color are more likely to be sentenced to death than white defendants for the same crimes. According to Hood et al. (2018) studies have shown that people of color are more likely to be sentenced to death than white defendants for the same crimes. The use of the death penalty also often depends on the resources of the defendant, as those who can afford a competent defense team are more likely to avoid the death penalty. The use of the death penalty also often depends on the defendant’s resources, as those who can afford a competent defense team are more likely to avoid the death penalty; This creates a system where the outcome of a death penalty case is often determined by the race and socio-economic status of the defendant rather than the evidence or the nature of the crime (Hood et al., 2018). The racial bias in the death penalty is a clear violation of the principles of fairness and justice. It sends a message that the lives of people of color are worth less than those of white people and undermines public confidence in the criminal justice system. Thus, racism is one of the reasons to abolish the death penalty.
Third, the death penalty is not an effective deterrent to crime and should be abolished. According to Girelli (2019), studies have shown that the use of the death penalty has no significant impact on reducing crime rates, and in some cases, states with the death penalty have higher crime rates than those without it; This suggests that the death penalty is not a valuable tool in preventing crime. Some studies have found that states with the death penalty have higher crime rates than states like Michigan and Texas without it (Girelli, 2019). The evidence suggests that the death penalty does not have a meaningful impact on the decision-making of potential criminals and that other factors, such as poverty and access to education, have a much greater impact on crime rates. Furthermore, the death penalty is often slow and cumbersome, taking decades to reach a final decision. This lengthy process does not provide a quick or effective response to crime and creates additional costs for the criminal justice system. The death penalty also creates a culture of retribution and vengeance rather than promoting a focus on rehabilitation and restorative justice. Thus, the death penalty, not an effective deterrent to crime, is one of the reasons to abolish the death penalty.
In conclusion, the death penalty remains a highly controversial issue. The risk of executing an innocent person, the racial bias, and the lack of effectiveness as a deterrent are all compelling reasons to end the death penalty. Instead, society should focus on improving the criminal justice system and finding alternative forms of punishment that are more just and effective. Society should strive for a criminal justice system that is fair and based on evidence rather than one that risks taking the life of an innocent person. The death penalty does not have a meaningful impact on crime rates, creates additional costs for the criminal justice system, and does not promote a focus on rehabilitation and restorative justice. The death penalty is a flawed and outdated practice that should be abolished.
Banner, S. (2022). In the Death Penalty. The death penalty. Harvard University Press.
Girelli, G. (2019). The death penalty for drug offenses: Global overview 2018.
Hood, R. (2018). Is public opinion a justifiable reason not to abolish the death penalty: A comparative analysis of surveys in eight countries? Berkeley J. Crim. L., 23, 218.